
Another Turning Point, A Fork Stuck In The Road

One of the positive aspects of being a diplomat is the transient lifestyle, and the notion that if you're dissatisfied with your current situation, it is only temporary. This is an ideal lifestyle for those with short attention spans. Nevertheless, this nomad existence does not come without a cost. In our world, even the best laid plans can change at the drop of a hat, or more accurately from a single e-mail or telephone call. I can't tell you how many vacations have been missed, flights changed, and events put on hold. The only consistency is the inconsistency.

Case in point... For many months we have planned on taking the kids to Hong Kong Disney as part of our 'around the world' summer vacation. However, we found out today that we won't be taking an R&R this summer.

Instead, we're taking more than our allotted two-bags-each, and in mid-June will be going on Home Leave. Which means ...

We're moving to California. At least for the time being.

I'm sure you've noted from the tone of many of my previous postings that we have found India to be a frustrating and difficult place to live. So when an opportunity presented itself to curtail the final year of our tour, we jumped. High.

However, our onward assignment does not come without its own set of set of detriments. I should probably mention that our entire family is not going to be living in California ... it will just be me and the kids.

Matt and I have decided to go our separate ways.

For one year.

This July, Matt will be heading to Iraq on an unaccompanied tour.

** Insert hands on side of head with loud scream and several oye vey's here **

But don't fret just yet. I am 100% in agreement, in favor, completely delighted with our decision. I finally feel like I'm recapturing my mojo. Tomorrow I'll tell you why...


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I don't think that Iraq is very family friendly at the moment. I am quite ready for you to spill the details of the new path!

David L. said...

Best of luck with that.

Z. Marie said...

We have almost daily conversations about doing a similar thing after our time in Milan. (Well, we have to actually get to Milan first.) It's the best option available sometimes. And at least you have the option of living close to relatives.

Christy said...

OMG I'm speechless. I can't wait to hear more... (Yay for leaving that frustrating living situation though! And yay for you being delighted with the situation!)

Mom24 said...

Oh Jill. Wow. Just wow. I'm happy for you that you are getting a change, I know you are definitely needing it, but to be away from Matt for a year, and to have him be in Iraq. Wow.

Hope you're doing okay, and can't wait to hear more.

OHmommy said...

Tomorrow? Tomorrow! But Jilllllllll. I want to hear it today. *Stomping my feet*

karey m. said...

tell me you're bringing some help from india?!

you must. must. must.

and now...off to clean toilets.


cameron said...

Jill, you are a strong woman. You will be able to handle it all just fine. There will be tears, there will be laughter, there will be toilets to clean, as my long lost bff karey m mackin pointed out. But I know you will be fine.

And I am very proud of Matt. It will be hard there too, but my patriotic military wife side is coming out and saying how proud I am of him. And you.

Unknown said...

Holding my breath to hear all about it. It will be so good for you to get home.. & I am sure Matt will get some leave..right?

MissCrystal said...

~Is in breathless anticipation for tomorrow!!~
Just know that you have a fellow NorCal blogger ready and waiting for you guys over here.

julicle said...

Whoa. I'm floored. Selfishly, I am thrilled to death at the thought of having you back here. If you are anywhere within driving distance, my girls will squeal with excitement at the prospect of play dates with your girls. Can't wait for all the deets tomorrow!

Donna said...

We know so many people who have done this. The year will fly by. Did he get an attached onward assignment, too? We'll be in Jordan, which is a major stopping off point, so maybe we'll meet him. I'll be watching for tomorrow's continuation of this story...

Michelle said...

Tomorrow????? WHAT? Girlfriend, I can't wait that long!

Anonymous said...


You're right. Using that word you just did...you've definitely been living in India for too long.

Natalie said...

Yikes! Enjoy the west coast and say hello to the Pacific Ocean from us. :)

anymommy said...

Wow. I can't wait to read all about it. It sounds like an incredibly interesting shift for you all.

Kelly said...

Ahhh! cliff hanger....Noooo. Don't like the whole Iraq thing.....can't wait for the update

Shannon said...

Noooo! Not a cliffhanger. More seriously, as long as you are in agreement then all is well. Will check back tomorrow for the rest of the story.

Jen said...

Will you be able to see each other? I sure hope so. I am happy for you coming home. :)

Anonymous said...

Shoot ... well ... I guess "tomorrow, madam" it is!

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