Too much cr*p crammed into a small room.
Breakfast is provided every morning and dinner, which includes 2 FREE cocktails, is provided Monday - Thursday evening. #Imayneverwanttoleave
We go to breakfast in our robes and PJs everyday. We know every family staying here with pets!
We even eat ice cream in bed and watch cr*p TV at night. #shhhh #don'ttelldad #bestmomever
We swim in the hotel pool ... sometimes twice a day.
Gotta love a 5 year old who is excited to have his own bed. Thankfully he doesn't care that it's just a couch in the sitting area in between the two bedrooms ... and he can sleep through all the commotion of us out and about.
Breakfast is provided every morning and dinner, which includes 2 FREE cocktails, is provided Monday - Thursday evening. #Imayneverwanttoleave
We go to breakfast in our robes and PJs everyday. We know every family staying here with pets!
We even eat ice cream in bed and watch cr*p TV at night. #shhhh #don'ttelldad #bestmomever
It's always fun taking your son into the girls bathroom where he notoriously belts out a LOUD question or three. Today's were, "Hey mom, what is a tampon for?" Followed up with, "I can't reach the paper towels, but I see a napkin here. Hey mom, do you have money for a napkin?"
Gotta love a 5 year old who is excited to have his own bed. Thankfully he doesn't care that it's just a couch in the sitting area in between the two bedrooms ... and he can sleep through all the commotion of us out and about.
Got passports? We sure do ... and in 3 weeks I know we'll be ready to use them!