Well sure ... it DID answer the one question I ask her each day in the letters I send her. "Are you having FUN?" But holy heck, she should know that's a rhetorical question!
Every morning around 9:30 am I go online and check out the photos that the camp has uploaded from the previous day. I scan through hundreds upon hundreds of photos, looking for familiar faces. It never actually takes long to find a few of Riley. Always smiling. Always involved in some type of activity. Of COURSE she's having fun!
I then read the daily newsletter which details ALL that they've done in the past week ... They've been swimming every day, done arts and crafts, played music, and danced. They've gone down to the lake and paddled rafts, kayaks, and inflatable "adventure boats". They've sung songs, had a Shabbat Service, watched skits, participated in service projects. AND ... they've had team building games, trivia nights, gone to the cookery, and had "free play".
I'm quite thankful that the camp has such an amazing schedule for the campers that I can read about (and see) every single day on their website. However, based on Riley's note home I would NEVER have even known! The only thing I gleaned from her note ... is that they're not serving her enough crap and candy!
Well ... lucky for Riley, I have eyes in the back of my head AND I'm a mind reader! So when I dropped Sheridan off today for her ONE WEEK at Rookie Camp, I also brought a large care package for Riley. Which was left BEFORE I even got her note. Yeah, I rock!
Of course, now I can't wait to read her next letter home ... where she probably tells me that she's changing her underwear every day. And that she's NOT bickering with her sister.
One quick kiss and off she went.
I don't think we'll have any problems with this one being homesick!
I don't think we'll have any problems with this one being homesick!