
13ish Weeks...

... until we head out to Southern California. Where we'll stay with my in-laws until we solidify a place to live for the year.

... of which 6 of them will be spent sans hubby due to his training in DC for his onward assignment in Iraq. At least he'll be back to help with the pack-out... if there's anything left for him to do.

... for me to go through every single drawer, box, cabinet, and closet in the house and narrow down everything we want to donate, sell, take with us to California, or put into storage for the year. I still have 4 cases of good wine to drink too...

... to research ad nauseam what type of car we want to buy. SUV? Minivan? Medium size or gigantic? We're going the used route... and we're taking suggestions!

... to get the airplane reservations solidified. But don't forget we have the dog... who first needs to get her shots in order to fly WITH us or we pay the cargo fee vice the additional baggage fee. That's approx $1400 difference to you and me. Me no likey.

... to attempt to stay calm regarding the many frustrating security issues, bus issues, and general administrative issues at the school. While I love the education my girls are receiving, the lack of professional attitudes and general apathy is overwhelming and disconcerting. Trying to bite my tongue ... but I'm a squeaky wheel and it's very hard. Looking forward to really venting in 14 weeks. Oh yes I will.

... to hope and pray that the State Department gets our travel orders correct. It usually takes two or three revisions, though we're running on empty and have little time to spare. This is a fast PCS (Permanent Change of Station) with several moving parts. With 4 moves and a medevac under my belt, I KNOW that something is bound to go wrong.

... to travel around India as much as we can. We have a trip planned to a resort during the girls spring break, and another possibility of a quick jaunt up north if our friends are able to come for a visit.

... to take a deep breath and try to enjoy having so much household help. Once we get to California there will be nobody there to pick up the house, mop the dirt into the floor, half-a** clean the toilets, or babysit the kidlets. It's all me baby... and that's the way I like it... uh huh uh huh!

... is quickly approaching. I know that I'm going to blink my eyes, the school year will end and we'll be on a plane heading to the States. So much to do. So very little time.


Mom24 said...

Well, with everything you have to do, and with your schedule, the wine should take care of itself. :)

I know it's not "cool", but I love my Odyssey.

$1400???!!!! Insane!

I can't wait to hear you vent. Unfortunately you'll likely encounter the same lack of professional attitudes and apathy here as well.

Maybe this will be the one time the State Department gets it right.

Good advice to yourself about the household help. My house is a disaster right now and cheap help sounds like it wouldn't be all bad.

Deep breathing...you CAN do this.

Anonymous said...

Ack! How did I miss this news??

Breathe. Somehow it all works out in the end.

I have a Toyota Seinna and other than a lot of the other Toyota models being recalled...I really like it. Two words: Power Doors.

anymommy said...

It will go so fast. And you'll get it all done and sorted and arranged and packed and finagled. I wish you as little stress and frustration as possible.

Mama Elle said...

I've learned not to stress about moving/packing. Things always seems to come together at the last minute and will be fine.

And Southern California! Whooo! The weather's going to be nice in 13 weeks... c'mon out!

Betsy said...

I only have 79 days to get our PCS together - agh!!! I wish that I was going to SoCal! I hope everything goes smoothly and that your year apart will fly by.


Anonymous said...

Oh, *Honey*.

Had no idea his training would start before you guys ever left Chennai.

And that YouTube video you posted to Twitter? Phenomenal.

We have a 2004 Honda Odyssey. Don't have a whole lot of bad stuff to say about it. We have had a few things go wrong, here and there. The difference between it and the Toyota minivan that sticks out in my mind is that the back windows roll down in the Toyota minivan... and that the Toyota has plenty more bells and whistles than the Honda.

I'm thinking rolled-down windows in the back seats might be appreciated in the gorgeous CA weather... but I don't have anything specific to say about my Honda Odyssey.

Jen said...

Drink that wine, girl. That will help. :)

Natalie said...

We deliberately didn't get a dog overseas because of the ridiculous amount of cost and hassle. But, yeah, the wine will help. The USA will be happy to have you back.

Cynthia said...

OMG...I just got caught up with you...OMG!

Enjoy California...and did I hear you are going to Blogher?

Kristi said...

We'll say a couple prayers here for you. Todd came home one night with a Honda Odyssey and we love it. Plenty of room for the 3 girls and our puppy as well as the usual baggage that comes with.

LeesOnTheGo said...

You've already had some great advice about cars but I just want to throw my 2 cents in too. The BEST decision we ever made about a car was a Mazda 5. It was small enough and big enough all at the same time. Had to give it up when we switched posts (right hand drive issue) but would buy another if we could!

Happy looking forward as you prepare for the big move!

Loukia said...

Time goes by sooo quickly....

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