
Jerusalem Biblical Zoo

Today we went with several preschool families on an excursion to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo. As many of you know, we are no stranger to this zoo, it's one of our favorites. However, while I was the one who sent out the e-mails and encouraged people to attend, in retrospect, it was not the best day to go. This week is a holiday and everyone is on spring break ~ the zoo was JAM packed.

We met at the preschool at 9:30 am and caravaned to the zoo. There were 7 families who joined in the fun, and after an hour long drive, we all made it. Of course getting inside the gate was no easy task; it was schlepping bags, dragging strollers, reminding everyone to hold hands and put their hats back on their heads, and begging them to hold on "just one more minute" so I could pay the money and then take them inside to go potty. Oh yeah, the forecast called for mid 70's, but it was easily 90+ degrees, and it was hot!

The entire group didn't really stay together. As we all had kids who were different ages and different interests we split up and did our own things. We hung out intermittently with a few families, and once they were too hot to stay out, we went off by ourselves. We walked around the entire zoo, spending lots of time with the lion who was napping, the bears who were swimming, and the penguins who were not in the water. The girls had a full day, and when we left at 3:15 pm we were pooped, and I was sunburned (ok, I blocked up the kids but completely forgot about me). Here are a few photos of the girls, their friends, and the animals they enjoyed watching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the black and white photos!

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