
My Caramel Macchiatto Runneth Over ...

I just got word this afternoon that my little blog here, this space in which I write about the chaos of our family of five, was recently recognized in the November edition of the Foreign Service Journal. I had no idea they were going to be mentioning my blog. No clue they would be reviewing our family's journey. I didn't know they knew of me.

But they did. They do. And the author has great taste! In his overview of my blog he writes ...

"Updated frequently and written with an almost brutal honesty - "follow the chaos as we tell our tales of life abroad" - this blog directly addresses some of the hardest issues relating to Foreign Service family life. But the author never displays undue angst and tempers her views with a healthy dose of hope and fondness for the mundane. Her ability to inject sass and emotion into a family letter is incredibly endearing."

Oddly enough, if you remember, about two and a half months ago I really struggled with the decision of making my blog private. I vacillated about it for weeks, truly unsure of the direction in which to turn. Despite the updated disclaimer, I still find myself holding back on occasion. Not always calling a spade a spade due to the fishbowl community in which we live, and the large number of local people who we know read about our lives.

The blog has chronicled everything from fertility issues, to babies, culture mis-identity, moving, and exotic vacations, to vomit ... and more vomit, consumables shopping, funny things that kids say, monsoons, struggles of overseas life, from finally adapting to the local culture, to saying good-bye to an old friend.

While the recognition is nice, and it helps remind me that many people enjoy the blog, this truly is a just cathartic experience for me. It's a place to write my feelings, and document our journey for our children ... though through the years I've realized it's also struck a chord for people who've experienced similar things.

So thank you for letting me share our lives. Thanks for coming back day in and day out with your comments, personal e-mails, and stories ... because even though it sounds uber fun to live in a 3rd world country about 10,000 miles from "home", oftentimes we really miss having our family and dearest friends near us to help support us during good times as well as bad.

And most importantly, thanks to my friend Donna, living in Beijing, who let me in on the secret about my blog ... as hers was also recognized in the journal as well! Another mom whose chaos rivals ours, (like the recent story of their maid who was recently hit by a car which left their family stranded without help for several weeks). Seriously, you can't make these stories up!

Here's the entire article in the Foreign Service Journal. It starts on page 43 ... with my highlight on page 47. Enjoy ... as my five minutes of fame are now up.


Kirsten said...

Wow. That is awesome and so well deserved. How nice to hear someone's opinion of your writing.

Mom24 said...

Congrats you deserve the recognition. Hope you don't mind the fishbowl getting a bit smaller. :)

(Hope their maid was okay)

Jen said...

Oh Jill, that is really awesome. Congrats!!!

Christy said...

That is so cool - I look forward to reading that article later today! Bravo and I'm sooo glad you decided to keep your blog open to the public, so to speak. I LOVE it!

Crystal said...

That is just great, Jill! Congrats, you deserve any and all recognition coming your way. You have been a light for me and I have been so glad to have your mentoring as we are beginning life in the FS. Blessings~

Jen said...


Emma said...

Well done YOU!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That's a pretty good way to start a week!

Kat said...

Wow! That is quite the praise. And well deserved, I might add. Congratulations! :)

roysie said...

Congratulations! Your blog is great and I just found it thanks to the article. Well deserved indeed :).

Unknown said...

Congratulations on being recognized & praised! I definitely appreciate your blog and have loved reading it over the last month or so since I found it. I hope you won't hold back. My husband is working towards employment with the FS and I am eating up your every word as I try to at least somewhat mentally prepare for that life. You are a gifted writer. Thanks for a glimpse into your life.

Anonymous said...

Yep sass!

I think that you should always continue to write the way you are ... fishbowl, yes... (in fact I can ONLY kind of understand that life and I complain about MY glass house!).

The rest of us appreciate the glimpse into your life .... the candor and the humor!

Congrats on being recognized!!!!

karey m. said...

this is HUGE!

it must be...i'm smiling really hard.

well done, you! xoxo.

Sara said...

Jill I'm so happy you still share your thoughts with us. Congrats on the nod in the Journal!!

nikkoblue said...

I enjoy your blog very much. My 23 year old daughter recently joined the foreign service and will be moving to her first post in a few months. Your sense of humor and optimism give me hope that she will handle snafus that are sure to come her way with grace and aplomb. I especially enjoy your children; they are both very much like my (now grown) girls.

Lisa said...

yay you! that is so cool - and you should be proud of how you represent your family :) very, very cool!

anymommy said...

How cool. Congratulations - I love the write up on you!

Natalie said...

Oh, WOW! Couldn't be happier for you...that is flat-out fabulous!!! Congratulations on a well-deserved accolade.

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

Awesome Jill!

That is really cool! I love you blog and hearing about your stories from life in India.

Brooke S. said...

They do have good taste! Your blog is great to read, but you also do a lot of good for folks in my position not sure what to expect from life abroad with kids. You deserve it.

3 Peas in a Pod said...

Look at you Jill! Congrats. I've always loved your blog and think you're a pretty amazing person as well as a fantastic writer.

Hope all is well with you and your family.

Much love from NJ,

TSB said...

That was a lovely write up FSJ gave you, and much deserved. Your posts always take me back to the days when my three kids were about ten years younger.

OHmommy said...

VERY cool girlfriend. His review is perfect. I love your honesty and love your blog!

Anonymous said...

how cool!

i wondered over here from 4evermom and think i've managed to read your entire blog from start to finish... what a fun journey your family has been on!!

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