
Late Night Addition - Take 2

This is Jill's Dad. She's having internet access trouble at the hospital but wanted to update her public with the vitals.

Without further ado

Let me introduce...

Their SON

Grady Shaw Perlman

Born at 8:13 PM

Weighing in at 7 lbs. 7 oz. and measuring 20 inches

He's practically perfect in every way!

Details and photos to follow on Saturday.


C.C. said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations! Our best wishes to you and your family as you welcome little Grady into the world!

trash said...

Hey Grady, welcome to the world.

Kim said...

A little man!! Congrats to you and your family Jill!!!

Cannot wait to see pictures of the little guy!!

Heidi said...

Congratulations!!!! I love the name Grady! One of my favorite people ever is named Grady. And the stats. I totally think I was on the mark with my guess. I hope all is doing well and can't wait to see pictures.

Jen said...

Yeah!!!!!! I am so happy for you all. You got a son! Yippee!!!!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

AWESOME JILL! I am so happy you got a boy! What a cute name! That is the same length and weight my daughter was. Can't wait to see pictures of you little man!

Robin said...

Wahoo!! Congratulations to all of you and welcome to the world little Grady.

Give him a big ole snuggle from me.

Kelly said...

A boy! A boy! What a great addition!!!! Just wait to experience the differences! I can't wait to see the pics!

Unknown said...

YEA! Congratulations! SO happy your dad posted for you... & CAN NOT WAIT to see GRADY! (I kow he is beautiful!)

Tracy said...

SO Happy for you All!! A Boy!!
I love his name too~~ I am Sure he is a knockout as well!!

The Mom Jen said...

Congratulations on your BOY!!! Yay, perfect stats, hope you and your son are doing well. Looking forward to photos, take care!!

Zephyr Vintage said...

Yipeeeee! Congrats Jill and Matt! Cant wait to see pics of the little guy! xoxo, Leslie

Emma said...

Congratulations to you all!! A boy...wonderful news...you'll have so much fun! The girls will love having a little brother! Hope all went well and you're recovering nicely...Well done MUM!

3 Peas in a Pod said...

Congratulations Jill!!!! When I looked at the ultrasound you posted a week or so ago my gut thought it was a boy. So happy for you!!! I sure hope everything was as painless as possible. It's so fun to have a mix of girls and boys in the family.

Welcome to the world little Grady!!!

I hope you're doing ok.

Much love from NJ,

Shannon said...

Congratulations! We all can't wait to see pics of Grady (love the name!)

Mom24 said...


A BOY!!!!

How fun! I love my girls, and I know you do too, but I also love my boys, and I know you'll love your little guy too. What wonderful news.

Grady is an awesome name too. My brother's best friends name was Grady.

I hope you're doing well. I am so happy for you.

Mazal Tov!

Alison said...

Congratulations! It will be so fun for you to have a boy after two girls.

I love his name, too.

Tenakim said...

goose bumps! Yay, you got your boy- Mazel tov! Can't wait for the pics!

Christy said...

Oh, Jill! I'm so happy for you all! This got me all choked up--congratulations! I absolutely LOVE his name! Big hugs!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Mazel Tov! (Is that how you spell it?!)

I am so thrilled for you. And I was thinking boy the whole time...all that tummy right out front. You were just trying to throw me off saying that is how you carried the girls :-)

Can't wait to see pictures!

Crystal said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love his name and I am so excited to see his sweet face : ) Blessings to all the Perlman Family~

Unknown said...


Mazel tov to the ENTIRE family. Grady shares his birthday with my son Ryan. I hope he grows up healthy & happy.


julicle said...

Yay!!!! Welcome to the world, Grady! And congrats, Mama, you did it!

Two girls and a boy... that's the perfect mix. Tho' I may be just a bit biased. ;-)

Can't wait to see the pics!!!


Kash said...

Mazel! So happy for you. ANd love the fact that you made grandpa update your blog!

Cynthia said...

OMG...wonderful news! Congratulations!

anymommy said...

Ahhh! That's fabulous. Congratulations. A little boy - I had a feeling. Love to you all, hope you'll show us a picture when you are up to it!

Kirsten said...

Hooray!!!!!! You will love having a son. I can tell you from experience that having a son after two girls is a treat. They are so different. And my girls absolutely adore their little brother. It's perfection.

I can't wait to meet Grady. Congratulations!!!!!

Tanya said...

Congratulations! Welcome to the wonderful world of boys. I love his name too.

Joyce said...

CONGRATS! I am so thrilled for you. You will love having a little boy. I am excited--you are the only friend that I has had who has a boy. Can't wait to hear the details!

Lisa said...


Can't wait to hear more!

OHmommy said...

A boy? A boy?

I knew it Jill. A million congrats!!!! Can not wait for pictures.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! A little boy! Puppy dog tails flew straight into my mind when I saw BOY!

I'm so excited for you all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the whole Perlman family! Can't wait to see pics!

Suzanne said...

Wow, Wow, WOW!!!! That's terrific. Positively wonderful. I'm dancing around my office. Look everybody, we've got a cyber nephew!!

That just such wonderful news. I'm so happy that you were able to be in a place where your medicaly issues could be addressed.

Jill, I only have one question...... was the technician (who slipped the sex of the baby in your presence) correct? Because sometimes they're not. I applaud you for keeping the information from Matt, allowing him the excitement of the moment.

Welcome Grady.

- Suzanne

Mrs4444 said...

Fantastic! So happy for everybody :)

Eve Grey said...

Wow, I haven't checked in for awhile & here is this great news! Sooo happy for his safe & healthy arrival. So nice for the girls to have a baby brother!

Anita said...

We are very happy for you! Congratulations and lots of love from Israel.

Robin said...

Happy Birthday Grady!

Congrats to mom.

Martin said...


And those last pictures are pretty amazing.

Well done.

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