
Guess Who Made It To Dinner

Well lunch actually....

Matt arrived safe and sound (albeit tired and sticky) around 1 pm today from Chennai. The girls were so excited to see him that they immediately jumped into his arms and attached themselves to him with glue .... which they haven't undone the entire day. They filled him in on every single thing they've done since their arrival 6 weeks ago, despite the fact that they've talked to him every single morning before school. They are obviously over the moon that he is finally here.

We had a yummy lunch at In-N-Out, where Matt keenly observed the cleanliness of the restaurant, the parking lot, and even the bathrooms. I think he's in culture shock. Then when we sat down at the table he asked me to pass him the Purell. It just may take him a few days to get used to being back in the States.

We're all thrilled that Matt is with us for the next 6 weeks. Let the vacation begin!

What a GREAT Mother's Day Gift For Me!!


Kirsten said...

When I first read your title... I thought maybe baby Perlman made it to lunch!! Your girls look thrilled to see their Dad.

Hope you had a great Mother's Day.

Robin said...

Hurray! Very glad to see that it was Matt making it in safely on time, not the baby beating him to it!

Anonymous said...

Yea! What an awesome gift.

Happy Mother's Day!

Tanya said...

6 weeks is such a long time for a girl (or two...) to be without their dad!! Check out those massive grins. What a lovely mothers day gift.

Mom24 said...

I'm so happy for you! I hope baby Perlman arrives soon so you can squeeze every drop of help out of Matt. I love the smiles on everyone in that picture.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

How wonderful! I don't know how you are functioning with being so pregnant and basically being a single mom the last few weeks. I hope that you are planning to put your feet up now!

Crystal said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, you are all back together!!! Excited to see your new arrival : )

3 Peas in a Pod said...

That's great Jill! All is well and now Baby Perlman can arrive with everything in place.

Good luck! Sooo looking forward to hearing the details. Keeping you in my thoughts that all goes as smoothly and painlessly as possible.

Much love from NJ,

Christy said...

Oh, that is terrific! Have a great time! And enjoy the fast food cleanliness while you can! :)

Shannon said...

Whew! I'm glad Matt made it before Baby P came!

And glad you had a great Mother's Day!

Jen said...

that is so awesome that the whole family is back together again. now its time for the baby!

Kelly said...

Oh! Happy Day!!! So glad to hear that Matt got in safe and sound...enjoy this exciting time for your family!!!

Alison said...

Hooray, he made it before the baby arrived! And the fact that he got here on Mother's Day is the icing on the cake!

Michelle said...

Yay! so glad that he arrived safely, before baby arrived, and for Mother's Day!

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