
Here We Go Again...

It's that time of year again... the never ending shopping sprees for our consumables shipment. Last year we sent approximately 1900 pounds to Chennai and we still have a fair amount of the basics left over. So this year we're only shipping around 900 pounds.

Today we went to Costco and WAY over-filled two carts, though I'm sure we'll be back there at least two or three more times before our pack-out.

Next stop... Smart & Final... and Pavillions... and Trader Joe's... and Target...


Robin said...

You get to ship over consumables every year? That is the coolest thing ever!

Very jealous...

Anonymous said...

Lots of baby supplies??

Mom24 said...

I'm laughing at the image of you trying to calculate how many baby wipes you need for the next year--and Captain Morgan. :-)

Anonymous said...


I keep getting told to "reduce" our consumables shipment items. But by the looks of your CARTS, maybe they are just messing with me?

Shiminy! I must add Swimmers to my list (I see them in your cart!)

Kim said...

Wow.. I remember from last year.. I know this is the first trip of many!!

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

I have a question for you....do they reimburse you for all of this or do you get a stipend?? As an Air Force wife I love it that you posted about this...it's pretty interesting! I never had to buy food like this any time that we've gone overseas. I think you're doing an awesome job girlfriend!!

OHmommy said...

Yay... Naomi found you. I told her about you.

That is quite a picture. When are you guys going back?

Alison said...

Last year when you were doing this, I had just started reading your blog and I was amazed that you have to shop for a whole year all at once. You explained everything, and now that I've been reading about your experiences in India, I totally understand!

Lola said...

I thought I bought so much, but now that I'm here, there is a bunch of stuff I want to get still. Time for an ELSO order I guess. Or something like that.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I had to enlarge your picture so that I could be uber nosy and see what all you are buying. I would imagine that diapers and wipes will take up a big portion of your shipment. Have you ever slapped yourself on the head and said "why didn't we bring THAT?" Do you have room in your pantry for your new shipment??

Anonymous said...

I'm just amused that your husband is actually SMILING after spending so much money!!!

So your purchases have to get you through a year; can you buy vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, cheese & meat/poultry products fresh? Just curious; the way so many of you (Jill's friends here) live like this, on foreign soil, is new to me. Strength through friendship (and connections via the internet!) must make living so far from the U.S. easier. I would say so far from home, but home is where you make it.

Unknown said...

I'm jealous! Oh ya... i was going to give you a lot of crap about not being around lately...
Whats your deal?! (LOL) When do you go back?

Jen said...

I bet Costco LOVES you.

3 Peas in a Pod said...

WOW Jill! I wouldn't even know where to start with planning for something like this and I'm a great planner. I love seeing into your life being that it's so completely different than my own.

I can't imagine what you spend and how much you have to ship. Those carts look like what we get sometimes and it doesn't last us for more than a few months!!

Much love from NJ,

Crystal said...

Wow!!!! This is just the start of this life for us as my husband accepted a postion today with the State Dept. : ) Jill, how do you do it? I need your tips and help when you have time, HA!Ha! We won't be going till Sept., can you email me if you have time in the next few months? thebridenbunch@yahoo.com

I have two in Diapers currently, how many diapers do you bring for awhole year? How many pounds of consumables can you send? Thanks so much!!! Crystal

Suzanne said...

Tressa - Maybe she can throw a couple boxes of Velveeta out of the plane as they fly over on their way back to India.

That's alot of consumables! Was there a time that these shipments were not authorized? Can you imagine living on the other side of the planet and having to rely totally on local product?

- Suzanne

Anonymous said...

You have to list it again (if you have time, yeah right, lol!)
I got such a kick out of reading the list last year. :)

I hope all is well. When are you guys heading back?

Unknown said...

Was the store empty when you left? hee hee! I'm gonna miss Costco, we are moving in July to a town that doesn't have one. Boo.

Came to your blog from a tweet from OHMommy and I like it a lot. I am due with a baby girl in Oct. and have two little boys already, so opposite of you. Congrats on your new addition and you have a beautiful family! : )

Goya said...

i'm laughing at the cases of starbucks you bought. i have at least 2 a day of those things and can't imagine not having them. so good choice! ha!!

Shannon said...


So, do the people at Costco know you by name? ;)

Shannon said...

Ok, I had to be uber nosy like Kat and enlarge the picture... I don't know why, but seeing the huge box of Capt. Morgan made me laugh out loud! You are so my kind of people.

Emily said...

Mazel Tov!

My kiddo as that same outfit. Love Carters.

Seeing a photo of the tools brought back some nightmares and many cringes.

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