
The Post Where I Show You My Stomach...

So if you don't like viewing pregnant, large, bare bellies, you may want to delete this before it burns holes in your eyes.

Here are the final photos I took of my ever growing belly. In total I've gained 32 pounds in 38 weeks 3 days. I'm hoping to leave the hospital at least 15 + pounds lighter... though I'll gladly take 20!

Eleven hours and counting!


Kelly said...

Oooh! Look at how cute you look! Pregnancy really does suit you!! Can't wait to see the end result!! :)

Kirsten said...

Good luck!! Can't wait to hear all about the baby's arrival.

Unknown said...

I've said this before... if I looked like you pregnant.. I would have 15 kids! Yor beautiful... so excited to hear all about the baby! : )

Melica said...

You look amazing! I'm sure the girls can hardly wait! We'll be back in the U.S. in just a few days, so I'm looking forward to hearing all about the new little one!

Mom24 said...

You look great. How exciting. Praying for both of you. I can't wait to hear.

Christy said...

You are so darn cute! And LUCKY because the only place you've gained anything is in that baby belly! I'm excited for you--congratulations (in advance) and I will be thinking of you while you're having that baby! :)

Alison said...

You are a beautiful pregnant lady. Praying for you and the baby!

Crystal said...

You are so pretty!!!! You have good genes : ) I am guessing the baby will be gorgeous as well! Blessings to you all~

Heidi said...

You are just so freaking adorable!!!Congrats... good luck...

Tracy said...

very well done..and not a stretch mark in sight!! Oiy..to be you 18 years ago...very good job! You "wear it well"!

3 Peas in a Pod said...

You have an awesome baby belly! Your weight is all in the tummy. Lucky lucky you!!! You really are such a pretty girl. Maybe you should have another one since pregnancy agrees with you!! LOL I know, I know, one baby at a time.

Good luck tomorrow.

Much love from NJ,

3 Peas in a Pod said...
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Anonymous said...

Good Luck! Wishing you the best for a speedy and safe delivery!

Suzanne said...

That's beautiful!!! Woo hoo, I'm so excited. I'm going to be a cyber-auntie and there's going to be alot of cyber cheek pinching.

You look gorgeous!!!


Lisa said...

You look marvelous, dahling!!! Can't wait to hear the news of your little one - hope labor is going fabulously!!!!! Yay - it's BIRTH DAY!

Shekano's said...

Hi Jill! It's Emi from Chennai! I've been thinking of you, knowing you must be close to delivering. You are a radiant, little momma! I love the buddha belly! If only we could all look as good as you when preggers... Wishing you and your fam all the best. Take care and enjoy your new baby. --Emi
P.S. We are shipping out of India the beginning of June... I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to hang out more! You can reach me at shekano@hotmail.com

Mrs4444 said...

I think it's really funny that you delivered on your due date; it's just like you to be so organized :)

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