
The Weight Has Now Shifted From My Shoulders To My Abdomen

Wow, what an overwhelming response I received from our latest news. Thank you to all who commented and sent me a personal note. My inbox is overflowing, so please understand that it may take me awhile to get back to everyone. Not surprisingly, almost everyone correctly identified the little alien (except my uncle who thought it was a puppy... wink wink). It sure feels great including everyone in on our little secret, though I've been so tight lipped about it that it feels weird to finally let the cat out of the bag. As most of you know, this has been a long road to get here, so we're cautiously optimistic that everything will continue to go smoothly.

Obviously I've received a bevy of questions, so let me try to answer a few of them.

  • I just started my 2nd trimester and am due in mid-May.
  • I had and still have morning sickness, which is actually all-day sickness. I have been nauseous, tired, hormonal, and anxiety stricken for the past 3 months. Luckily, Matt has taken the girls every Saturday and Sunday so I could lay on the couch and rest. He's also been great at showing up to events without me, always coming up with a great excuse as to why I wasn't there. We really haven't had a single date night or outing in over 2 months on the weekends ~ and when we have gone out, we've gone home early as I'm so crocked that I need to crash out. Notice my updates have slowed down... now you know why.
  • We waited to tell the girls and our parents until we received the results from my 1st trimester screening (which we finally picked up last Saturday). We told the girls on Saturday night... and their response was priceless. Matt asked them if they wanted a brother or a sister - to which Riley responded quickly, "a brother!!!". Sheridan followed up by saying, "I want 2 brothers." We then told them that mommy has a baby in her tummy. Riley came over, lifted my shirt and wanted a good look. Sheridan just looked over and seriously asked us if it's a girl, if we could put it back.... and would we please turn the TV back on.
  • We will NOT be finding out the sex of the baby. We didn't know with either of the girls ~ we love the surprise. We'll be happy with whatever we get... we just hope for a healthy baby.
  • I will be delivering the baby in Newport Beach, California. The maternity care here in India is just "at par"... and while I'm well aware that this country delivers babies every-single-minute of every-single day, I won't be joining in. I am too high risk and already clash with the OB/GYN and her unfamiliarity with how to handle a high risk pregnancy (which I will detail in a later post).

In subsequent updates I'll detail what it's been like to be pregnant in a 3rd world country. Some of the things I've heard and information I've seen here has been mind boggling. For now, I need to go. The ice cream is calling.


OHmommy said...

Yay, Jill.

I am still grinning ear to ear for you guys all. The girls responses were cute. ;)

trash said...

How exciting to hear all these things. I shall be following with great interest.

Mom24 said...

I, too, am just super-excited for you. Jason's birthday's May 22, it's a great time to have a baby.

We never found out what we were having either--it makes it so much fun.

I hope you explained you won't be 'putting it back'. lol! :-0

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I had no idea that you were also dealing with a high risk pregnancy. Now I need to go back and do a little more reading...and up my stalker cred :-)

Donna said...

I was pregnant in Russia and Kazakhstan - in neither place would the State Dept allow me to deliver, so I went home, and I was glad to do it (can you say "per diem"?). Here in China, they let me stay, so I stayed - mostly because baby was due last May, and I didn't want to yank the other kids from their school routine in March so we could go home.

There are worse things than hanging out for 3 months in Newport Beach. You are wise to go home.

Unknown said...

Such exciting news! I'm thrilled for you guys, and also can't believe you will be so close for your delivery! Please let me know if I can lend a helping hand- and if you bring your older girls, we'd love to have them meet Annie and Lucy for a playdate!

Alison said...

I loved the girls' reactions! I hope you start feeling better--how well I remember that first-trimester tiredness.

We didn't find out the sex of our first child and it was wonderful. I would have waited again but our family would have killed me--they were so anxious to know if we were having a boy!

Jen said...

Again, I am so happy for you guys. Trust me when I say I know that journey well, infertility to pregnancy and hopefully beyond. It is something else. I know it must be a relief to talk about. Speaking of which, I can't wait to hear all about it. Congrats to you all!

The Mom Jen said...

I'm so excited for you and Sheridan's comment was PRICELESS! I wish you the best and I don't blame you for coming back to CA for delivery. Enjoy your ice cream and I look forward to updates!!

Kim said...

Seriously, I am not sure I can take anymore..lol..Your updates on your journey alone were amazing, and now you will be pregnant and sharing the journey of pregnancy.. I am giddy for you..but for us readers as well..

Again.. Congrats.. woo hoo

Jogging In Circles

Simple Answer said...

I am so glad you are waiting to find out who has taken up residence inside you. I love not knowing and just can't wait for the announcement MidMay to come!

WheresMyAngels said...


And your nuts, I couldn't stand not knowing. I didn't know with my first two and I wanted to know so bad. I only knew with the third, cause technology was much better! lol

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

That's AWESOME. I love the kid's reactions to the news, too funny. That's cool you are coming back home/here to deliver. I am in Huntington Beach so I know where you will be delivering and have had many friends deliver there. I heard it is nice now after it got remodeled too! I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations again! Baby news all over today :)

My son asked if he could give his sister back, he said he was done playing with her, lol.

Robin said...


Diane Mandy said...

MAY!!! Wow. I am still beaming with your news and so glad to now you're now in your second trimester. Tell me, was the morning sickness this bad with your other children or is it, like they say, every pregnancy is different?

Heidi said...

So happy for you & will be praying for a healthy baby & mama.

jewelstreet said...

Oh, congratulations! I'm sorry I missed the original post. Yay!

Will keep you and the baby in my thoughts! Can't wait to hear about updates.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

congrats to you...love that special pea!!!

Unknown said...

Girl I am SOO happy for you! I really thought your posts had slowed down cause you moved to INDIA... Holy Smokes.... When are you going back to the states?

I am just so excited for you! hugs across the world!

Joyce said...

Thank goodness I have a friend who likes surprises as much as we do. I will be thinking of you and only sending the most positive vibes your way. I am one trimester ahead of you! So if you need a pregnancy buddy, I am all ears!

Mrs4444 said...

Wonderful! Congratulations, Jill :)

Tenakim said...

yay yay yay! I'm so excited for you! This'll be so interesting!

Claremont First Ward said...

Congratulations! Such exciting news. How long do you get to stay in the states for the delivery?

Unknown said...

Wonderful news Jill and I can well imagine on the Indian maternity front what it's like!

Wishing you continued good health

Cindy said...

Jill and Matt! Congratulations! I am so thrilled to hear that Baby #3is on its way in the spring. What joyous news. And I love that you are waiting til D-day to find out if your baby is a boy or girl. That is the best. We did not find out for both our kids and it was so much fun, though it drove other people crazy who loved to ask,"How can you NOT want to find out?" I am so type A and a planner, but that was one surprise I wanted to have. I sent a card your way, but since mail to India via Dulles can take weeks, thought I would post a congrats in the mean time. Hugs to you, Matt and the girls.

Unknown said...

You have A LOT to think about...how have you kept it a secret for so long?? I'm so happy for you (not for the all day sickness, of course!) Here's to hoping that you start feeling like more yourself ASAP! :)

Cynthia said...

You know I was wondering about that...go get ice cream, I'll come back...

Rhea said...

Congratulations!! I can't wait to hear more about the info you've heard about in India about pregnancy...and I'm glad, especially if you're high risk, that you'll be getting your care back in the States...or at least the delivery.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear the stories of the Ob/Gyn prenatal care given in 3rd world countries.

Kelly said...

Okay, so I am days late on this one....but...Congratulations!!! What fantastic news! I'm glad to hear that everything has been going well so far. I can't imagine being sick all day and being inundated with the many different smells you're faced with in India!!
Bill & I didn't find out the sex of any of our babies...it's such a great surprise! When you deliver in CA, will Matt and girls be coming home with you?
Oh, I can't wait to hear all the stories and updates!!

Martin said...

Well well well, when I read your comment I had to come running over here!

Well done, congratulations.

(makes me more excited about our chance now too!)

Michelle said...

wow this sure has been a long road for you! Sending you some prayers for that sweet baby and a smooth, and healthy 9 months/delivery!

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