
The Cats Meow

I am DONE with Halloween. Seriously. If I could just convince Riley's school that having two parties .... two days in a row .... a week after Halloween .. is a bad idea....

Yesterday the kindergarten class put on a Halloween carnival, complete with games, food, treats, and vomit. Oh yes, Riley was in mid-sentence with the teacher when she proceeded to puke all over herself and the floor. It happened at the end of the day, and since I was at school for our cooking class, she stayed and managed to put on a brave face while making individual pizzas (which she did not eat). She was quite ill the entire drive home from school, and even held a plastic bag under her mouth just in case she got sick again. Luckily, we made it into the house before she did vomit one more time, though at this point, all she was concerned about was being well enough to dress up in her costume the next day. "We'll see," was all I was able to tell her.

She woke up late today, feeling much better, so we decided that I would drive her after I dropped Sheridan off at school. I had volunteered to come into her class today with Halloween shaped cookies that the kids could decorate with colored frosting. They had a great time picking out their designs and then painting them with sugar and sprinkles. What I thought would take just an hour to complete managed to take two, which unfortunately left me no time to go home, get lunch, and anything done before the afternoon elementary costume parade. Instead, I stopped by MacDonald's , ordered lunch for me and Sheridan, picked her up from school, and went back to Riley's school to help get her in her costume and ready to enjoy her final Halloween party. She decided she wanted to be a black kitty cat, complete with whiskers and cat ears. Of course, I left it until the very last minute and was up late last night sewing cat ears, while whining and griping to Matt. Thankfully the end result left Riley grinning from ear to ear - literally. Not my best work, but to a 5 year old whose entire idea of dressing as a cat consists of wearing black and white cat ears (however they stay on her head) it was perfect.

The parade was adorable. The elementary principle escorted the kids around the school for all of the parents and classes to see. Riley was 2nd in line, and one would think the entire parade revolved around her. She really thought she was the cats meow. I snapped several photos of her, and then promptly left. It had been a long day at school and I was ready to go home.

Until next year...

The finished cookies


Mom24 said...

I can't even imagine Halloween lasting that long. One day and night is plenty for me.

She looks like an adorable, and very happy, cat. Great job mom.

Decorating cookies is always my go-to craft for school parties.

I love your pizza crust recipes. Too yummy.

Have a great weekend.

Heidi said...

Such a sweet Mommy. You are a trooper! Hope she is feeling better. Puke is not fun for the giver or the reciever.

Tenakim said...

YOu are indeed a trooper!

Eve Grey said...

Very cute. I like the whitish-green pumpkin.

jewelstreet said...

Don't they all look so cute?!

The cookies look awesome.

karey m. said...

i love her costume! i especially love her claw motion! rrarr!

Anonymous said...

My kids have been hanging off the ceiling this past week from all the sugar. I finally hid the last of the candy a few days ago so the sugar detox could begin!

CUTE kitty!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

toooooo long! but great cookies!

Anonymous said...

I am ALWAYS ready for Halloween to be over. It is overwhelming with children sometimes. haha. Great photos, by the way.

Cynthia said...

I love me some Halloween, but I am done with it:P I am so tired of Miss Peach and her costume...she never wants to take it off!
Cute kitty!

Kim said...

Um..yah..that is a little TOO MUCH..lol..

I can't take how cute all the kiddies look in that photo.. and your baby girl is just to cute!

Jogging In Circles. :)

Diane Mandy said...

The pictures are priceless!

Unknown said...

jeesh--busy, busy! I miss the Halloween parades. Last year was the ned for my youngest (2nd grade.) I guess once they get to 3rd grade, they're all done with that at school. :(

~Christy C

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

One year my youngest had a Halloween party at school. And then went to another one in the afternoon. Where she ate a few too many cupcakes with orange frosting. But to this day (and this happened five years ago) she won't eat too much junk food. She knows she might puke. A good lesson :-)

And...the McDonald's. What is McDonald's like in India? Is that worthy of an entire post???

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