
Need I Say More??


Mom24 said...

Yippee!!!! So, so exciting. Congratulations. Hope you're feeling good. Have you told the girls?

Wep said...

OMG congratulations :)

OHmommy said...


Having 3 kids rocks. I am so happy for you. Congrata!

Marinka said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

Kim said...

YIPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..I am so excited I nearly threw my lap top!!! I am soooo excited to you !!!

Jogging In Circles

Alison said...

Yay! Congratulations!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Awwwwwwww...how very exciting!!

Mazel tov :-)

Broski said...

Have you considered naming it Bobby?

(yes... this is an inside joke to anyone who thinks I'm serious).

Michelle said...

oh wow! how very exciting!! Congratulations!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

I am so excited for you! That is wonderful!!

Michelle said...

I'm so thrilled, excited, happy, elated, passionately and euphorically in trance! Mozel Tov! All my love, prayers and joy! The Youngs ;o)

Suzanne said...

Can you hear the cheering from Illinois? Woo Hoo. That's such wonderful news. I bet the girls are very excited.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Lisa said...

I think you win the Babywatch. :) Yay!!!

Unknown said...

wow! Are you over the moon or what?!!!

Robin said...


My very best wishes for a happy, healthy, uneventful pregnancy!

The Mom Jen said...

Wow, how wonderful! Congratulations to you ! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!

Sheila said...


G in Berlin said...


Donna said...

Congratulations from China. Stay well...

Simple Answer said...

What great news! Sending you good, happy, healthy thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! A new baby! Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you! Congratulations and best wishes for a healthy pregnancy :)

Anonymous said...

OMG, CONGRATS! Do you know if it is a boy or a girl yet!?

trash said...

No! OMG! How exciting!!!! When? What? WHERE??????

karey m. said...

i. knew. it.

when you weren't posting, i kind of assumed you were otherwise occupied. and it would've had to have been important.

wow. excellent news. stay well and take care and all that good stuff. by the way, did you know all along sheridan was a middle child?

just wondering...grae was born a middle child. congrats congrats! kmm

My Choice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Congrats! That is so awesome. I hope that all if well and you are felling alright. I can't wait to hear more about this.

Heidi said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations.

Joyce said...

HOORAY!!!! Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys. I hope you are having a good pregnancy so far.

anymommy said...

Ahhhh!! Awesome. Congratulations. He/she/ the little one looks beautiful. I am so happy for you.

Teresa said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Glad the treatment worked!

Front Studio said...

Hurrah!! Congratulations, Rich sends his congrats as well. When are you due? We may be expecting not too far apart. :)

DS said...

Congratulations Jill! That is so marvelous. Take care.

Unknown said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! WHAT???!!! I go out of town, and look what I miss!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for you! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! OMG--woohooo!!!!!! Are you feeling well???

LINDSAY said...

I hopped over to your blog to write something clever about your request for spice and instead I'm speechless grinning from ear to ear!!!! Yahoo, sister!!! I've been rooting for you from afar this whole time...
Three really does rock!

julicle said...

YAY!!!! I just got chills all over - so happy for you, Sweetie!

You and Matt should prepare to be outnumbered. ;-)

Lots and lots of love,


Diane Mandy said...

OMG!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!

Cynthia said...

OMG!!! I lose track for one moment...and look what happens! Congratulations!!!

Rhea said...

That could be your spleen for all I can read these things. lol

No, really, congrats!! Woohoo!

Eve Grey said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Soooo happy for you! ♥

Anonymous said...

OMG! All that hard work has paid off. Congratulations!

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