
Take a Tour of Casa de Perlman

I now have the house in relative shape and can finally post photos of various rooms. As you may remember, we live in a concrete bungalow complete with 3 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, a play room, an office, a living room/dining room combo, TV nook, and kitchen. We also moved the "laundry room" (which was really just a washer and dryer in my kitchen) into an outside, covered room on my roof.

But enough of the small talk. Without further adu, I give you ... Casa de Perlman

Our TV nook... and the couch we had made for the small area

The Living Room / Dining Room area

The Kitchen
First photo is when you just walk in.
Second photo is taken on the other side of the room.
The white door on the right in the second photo is the door leading into the pantry.

The Play Room

The Office... and the built-in shelving.

The Girls Room - photo taken at different angles.

Our bedroom ~ photos taken again at different angles

More photos of the furniture... and of Sheridan showing the height of the armoire

This is to show the height of all the light switches in our house.
Notice the height of it in the first photo. They are 66 inches off the ground.

After explaining that there was no way the kids could reach them, they agreed to move them down. The second photo is one of the switches that they moved down over 1.5 feet. First they put a huge hole in the wall. Next they put in the new box. Then they filled the hole with cement. Today they're supposed to come back and do the wiring, and repaint it.

Hopefully by tomorrow these new switches will be working and the girls can turn on / off the lights in 6 different rooms.


Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

Looks really good!!!

How weird about the light switches. Wonder why they are so high? I would need a stepstool to reach them too.

Robin said...

It looks great - really spacious! Definitely bizarre about the light switches.

Suzanne said...

I don't know about all that....BUT I see your sewing machine and cutting mat. WOO HOO.

Looks very nice.

Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Rela Pantaleon said...

I spotted the pink armoire alright!

Anyway, your house looks good. Since I cannot feel the heat and the humidity from the photos, I say the house could easily pass as a house back here in the US.

Anonymous said...

Kind of makes it hard to tell the kids to turn off the lights doesn't it?

The house looks great. I am still jealous of your kitchen. And what's that I see? A real adult size stove and oven? I may have to boycott you for a bit. :)

G in Berlin said...

Wow! I'm 61 inches, so I would have trouble with those! How tall are your ceilings?

And in re your prior post, I so need to watch my mouth now with both my girls! They are magpies with my words. Luckily, I can often distract them into saying the "bad" word as a different or nonsensical word. But it's a wake up call!

Kash said...

I love the tv nook! What is that cool looking wooden rectangle on the wall? The sectional is chic! The kitchen looks divine!

Diane Mandy said...

lovely. just lovely!

I have to ask (since I *am* coming to visit some day): Where's my room?

Mom24 said...

What a difference your own things make. It really looks nice. I can't believe how spacious it is. 66" light switches though is carrying things a bit too far. ;-) I have to wonder why no one's complained about that before? The new countertops look nice.

Claremont First Ward said...

No way....the walls are repaired with concrete? Are the fully concrete? The armoir looks great. Do you buy all of your furniture in the new location or take some along with you? I love the joy of cooking cookbook too.

Unknown said...

Looks great JIll... I am sure you must be pooped. No need to make up another room for me... I can just bunk with Diane!

Eve Grey said...

I love that red chest of drawers. Is this all your own furniture? Very nice.
I love the one blue eye of the dog peeking out from behind the table in the living room!

Tenakim said...

I love being nosey- thanks for letting us take a peek! That's so odd about the high light switches!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tour - your house looks great!

That is so weird the light switches are SO high - strange!

Unknown said...

Wow, they'll move the light switches for you?! Is that all of your own furniture & you have it shipped everywhere or is it furnished already (or you buy it)?

Everything looks very nice! I would love to have all tile floors like that w/my dogs--just sweep up all the hair in a snap!

Aubrey said...

Casa de Perlman is muy bonita!

Shannon said...

Whoa, those are some high light switches! Weird!

I am jealous of your spacious kitchen! Mine is a "galley" style one and I hate it.

Heidi said...

Looks great. You are just a bundle of energy to get all that done so fast.

The Mom Jen said...

Thanks for the peek in! I think it looks fabulous! What's the deal with the light switches, why were they so high? Oh and curious...I would be so jonesing for an alarm system, do you have one? I know you have a dog, but for another country, I think it would be a must for us.

Jen said...

that is a beautiful place that you have there. It is really shaping up to be a home.

Michelle said...

I notice you packed only the essentials (read: KitchenAid stand mixer).

My husband looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to pack mine for our camping trip last year. I still can't figure out why!

Kat said...

Holy huge kitchen, Batman! Wow! That is a lot of space. Awesome!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Look at how big the rooms are! Do you guys have good closet space? And, ummmm, I notice that you don't have a guest room. Is that a sub-tle hint?

And what is up with the light switches? Is the builder a very tall man?

Bob and Jenn Peacock said...

It looks great! Nice and comfortable.

Lisa said...

Fabulous house. I LOVE your kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it... in India they don't want the children to turn the light switches on/off, on/off, on/off a million times. So they don't allow children to use lights switches at all. Genius!

Unknown said...

I think it all looks lovely Jill, but how wierd are those light switches. Btw if you don't like snakes, what'cha doing living there?! LOL

OHmommy said...

Weird light switches. Aren't people in India rather short?

Or am I just plain out of it?

leezee52 said...

Mazal Tov! Your home looks wonderful!

Lee :)

WheresMyAngels said...

The Bedside cabinets/end tables, are to die for! I'm so in love with them. I'll have to send you my address, incase you get sick of them;)

Great tour thanks!

Kelly said...

I am constantly impressed with how fast you guys put things together. The bedrooms, playroom, and kitchen look like they're a really good size.
Even though you don't have a full-time maid yet, everything looks clean and shiny!!

Alison said...

Very nice! I'm especially impressed with how organized everything is. Can you make a quick trip to Texas in a few months to help me organize our new playroom? ;-)

anymommy said...

It looks great. That light switch issue cracked me up. The littlest things always cause the biggest problems! If they hadn't been able to move them, you would have needed a small investment in step stools!

Claire said...

66 inches? Oh my, that's insane!


Cynthia said...

Wow, looks great! Lots of space...yay for you:)

Michelle said...

Thanks for the tour of your house! You have some beautiful furniture; and I love how big the kitchen is. I can't believe how high those light switches were!

Unknown said...

You were always so neat in college- no wonder your house is so tidy! I love, love the bar cart in your dining room.... and I'm so glad I found you on Facebook!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

fun! and what in the world with those switches! i'm 4 10 and couldn't hardly reach them! nuts!

mary s. said...

I loved seeing this peek into your house. You have really turned it into a home. Great job!

Kim said...

Holy SPACE!!! I love it!!! It looks beautiful!!

Jogging In Circles

Mrs4444 said...

Beautiful and spacious--NICE.

-Bridget said...

I'm jealous of your kitchen. It's so cool to get a peak of a house in a faraway land and see how different, yet similar houses really are. It looks great!

Rhea said...

Love the photo tour! Those light switches were HIGH! Wow.

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