
Birthdays and Bindis

Tomorrow is the Indian holiday Vinayakar Chathurthi, also known as the birthday of Ganesha (the elephant headed G-d of wisdom and purity), which is celebrated all across India. Ganesha is famous not only for being a trickster, but also for his sense of humor and his wisdom. He is the foremost G-d of the Hindu pantheon. You'll see him carefully guarding temples and homes, peeping out of calendars and happily gracing marriages and other occasions.

As Sheridan's school is closed tomorrow in observance of the festival, they had a mini celebration today, with each child dressed in Indian attire.

Never wanting to be left out, both Riley and Libby decided to don a Bindi as well, and pose for a few photos.


trash said...

there can be no birthdays without bindis - just ask my mother. she is all about the head jewellery!

OHmommy said...

So cute.

Can I send you $$$ for an identical outfit in size 5?

leezee52 said...

OMG...So adorable!

Robin said...

She looks adorable. The color and the clothing really suit her.

Robin said...

PS What's the significance behind the bindi? I've always wondered.

Unknown said...

Your kids have the COOLEST childhood. & you know so much about everything.... I am in awe....

Thanks for the pillow ... but even the fabric is so crazy expensive... I have some fabric from India when i was there YEARS ago... i thought maybe I could use it to make some cool pillows`? Just need to learn how to sew... (I am a work in progress)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Such a pretty outfit! I am always so curious as to how the women wear their saris. They are so pretty...but I just wonder how they keep it on. Mine would unravel for sure :-)

The Mom Jen said...

Darling! I think it's great they are experiencing such beautiful culture!

anymommy said...

They look wonderful. How fun for them to learn so much about Hindu and experience Indian culture. I'm jealous!

Claremont First Ward said...

Adorable. Did you have them custom made? The Bindu's not your girls. :)

WheresMyAngels said...

I think the women of India, always wear the most beautiful and classic style. I often want to don an outfit but know people would think I am odd, but they looks so pretty and comfy!

Your girls look so cute!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

What beautiful girls you have!

Scary Mommy said...

They all look precious. And what an amazing experience you are giving them. I'm always in awe of their childhood when I pop over here!

Unknown said...

What great experiences your girls are having, they look adorable

Suzanne said...

Your girls are having a multi-cultural childhood filled with adventures. I'm interested in what American traditions you keep in your home overseas. Turkey for Thanksgiving? Halloween? Do you celebrate the Fourth of July in some way?

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Cynthia said...

So cute!

Jen said...

what a gorgeous outfit. she looks so beautiful. I love the fact that they included the dog.

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

They are so cute, love that the dog has a bindi too!

Kelly said...

Those pictures are so cute!!! Bindis all around :)

Bob and Jenn Peacock said...

I love Indian clothes and jewelry. Those are great pictures!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i bumped into you on SITS!

so cute! ur girls are darling. how fun...and I totally am in love with the colors!!!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i bumped into you on SITS!

so cute! ur girls are darling. how fun...and I totally am in love with the colors!!!

Robin said...

I followed you here from Kash's site. I love visiting other countries (at least through blogs).

Tenakim said...

They are always gorgeous, but that outfit works!

Michelle said...

Love the dog's bindi!

Heidi said...

Sweet. I always wanted to pull one of those off, (not literally pull it off, but wear it.) You get the idea. Your girls can totally pull it off.

Kat said...

How fun! They look fabulous! Doggy does too! ;)

Unknown said...

They look adorable! Imagine the gifts living in all of these amazing places are giving them! I'm jealous! :)

Anonymous said...

Aww they look so cute.

Just wanted to follow up on a comment you left on my blog... You said you haven't been to New Hope, PA since you worked at J&J - did you mean Johnson & Johnson in Fort Washington? The only reason I am asking is because my mom works at J&J in Lancaster and I did too several years ago. I just had to ask incase thats what you were referring to. If not, I'm sorry and just ignore this!

What a small world!

Eve Grey said...

Riley is your mini-me. So cute! We watched a movie that takes place in India called Amal. You should check it out, it was very good. Just out of curiousity, why did you not spell out God?

karey m. said...

love it soooo when they go local! those two are gorgeous, but they've always been...

Anonymous said...

How SWEET!! They are adorable and I LOVE the little pink outfit!! I saw the post below and the videos too!! PRICELESS...that is too funny!! They really tried, she was just too upset, huh? She looked too cute too.

I really need to post some pix soon. The kids start pre-school on Monday, so I will have pix then.

How is coffee in India? Do they drink it? They probably drink tea, huh? Just curious. Indian is one cuisine I have yet to try and I think I've tried alot. We walked into an Indian restaurant once, but by the way it smelled, my husband walked right out. I really do want to atleast try it though.

Anonymous said...

P.S. 6lbs in one week, I have been doing excercise for us all!!

Rhea said...

Sheridan is adorable!! Riley and Libby are too. lol What a cute pink outfit.

Sydney said...

Oh my goodness how cute! My best friend is Indian and I love Indian dress! I'm sad she's having a destination wedding... as I really wanted to dress in Indian clothing for her wedding. How cool that your girls get to experience an entirely different culture!

Michelle said...

Your girls are just so adorable!

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