
Inquiring Minds Wanted To Know...

Here is what the water distiller looks like. It sits atop the counter in the far corner of the kitchen, perched between the tile wall and the extra freezer. The second photo shows what the top of the distiller looks like... the key player in the whole "cleaning" part of the distiller. Remember, I only learned how to unscrew the lid on the top of the distiller, and screw it back on. :)

Below are tools used in our garden. On the left you have the traditional broom. It is what everyone uses to sweep the driveway, floors, steps, etc. It's amazing to see people hunched over all day long using these... I can't imagine how painful their backs must be. On the right is what my gardener uses to cut the grass and trim the trees. We don't have a lawnmower - this is as close to one as it gets!

Ahhhhh... my laundry room. It was previously downstairs in my kitchen. I just didn't feel that cooking next to my clothes was a good idea, so we were able to get it moved. This room is situated outside one of the bedrooms in an enclosed space on the roof. While it will definitely be inconvenient during the rainy season, it's a much bigger space, and the only thing I have to contend with now are the lizards... and occasional bee.

Welcome to monsoon season! It poured tonight, and my street flooded. It was dark when I took this, so obviously the picture doesn't do it justice. But this is my driveway leading out to the street, and about a foot of water streaming about. And yes, I was standing in it to take the photo. The last photo is of the girls last weekend at the school swim pool. They had a great time soaking in the sun and swimming about.


The Farmer Files said...

your laundry room actually looks peaceful. Is it?

Mom24 said...

Your pictures are always so interesting. I thought you were right on track with the laundry room until I saw that rain. Wow! Hope it works out well.

Heidi said...

You always make me feel like such a wimp for complaining about anything about my surroundings, you have such a great outlook on it all. Lizards? No thank you!

trash said...

Laundry in the kitchen must be a hangover from colonial days - it is a feature of British life. I changed that pretty quick in our house!

Diane Mandy said...

I agree wyth Heidi and mom24, What an inspiration you are!

Shannon said...

I can't imagine having to deal with the water distiller thingy!

And I so wish I had a laundry room... I just have a closet that my washer and dryer are tucked into!

Jen said...

Interesting, water thing. I don't think I would know what to do with that either.

Did your house flood or just the road? I hope it was not your house.

Cute, cute, cute, girls!

-Bridget said...

I can't decide which looks scarier--the distiller or the foot of water threatening your home

Kash said...

Wow, it looks like flooded streets are prevalent all over the world right now! Love the laundry room and its juxtaposition with the garden tools. We use the same tools here. :) Girls are adorable as always.

Kash said...

Wow, it looks like flooded streets are prevalent all over the world right now! Love the laundry room and its juxtaposition with the garden tools. We use the same tools here. :) Girls are adorable as always.

Kash said...

Wow, it looks like flooded streets are prevalent all over the world right now! Love the laundry room and its juxtaposition with the garden tools. We use the same tools here. :) Girls are adorable as always.

Anonymous said...

Your children are just too cute!

And wow that is a lot of water!!! Did you have any get into your house? I hope not...

Anonymous said...

Your children are just too cute!

And wow that is a lot of water!!! Did you have any get into your house? I hope not...

leezee52 said...

Ok...so how long do you have to stay there? Is it any better than Israel with the bugs that my friends call Khomeinies? lol

Lee :)

mary s. said...

Wow! I want a laundry room like that.

That distiller looks...scary.

The Mom Jen said...

I love these kinds of posts...continued fascination to a life i'll never know! Geez, cutting the law with scissors why don't they. Amazing, we so need to appreciate all our perks.

The laundry room seems kinda cool!

Hope your house stays dry...are you elevated a bit?!

Eve Grey said...

I really love that laundry room. It's so...cottagey. My friend is in Manila right now for 3 months for work and is also being bombarded during this monsoon season.

Stephanie Smith said...

Is that a Bed Bath & Beyond bag I spot in the picture with the broom?What a mixture of cultures in one photo. Very cool.
Did you Google how to do more than unscrew the lid to the distiller? I don't want to read next about how your sweet family all got deathly ill and it was traced back to the Distiller From Hell (the DFH). ! xx

Donna said...

We had that same distiller at our first three posts, except... it was taller, and it was perched on wheels on the kitchen floor.

In Armenia, when my son was two, he drove his big toy dump truck up to the distiller and filled it up. Then, before I could stop him, splash - a monsoon right in our kitchen.

Now in China, we have a fancier water dispenser - but now my 2-year-old daughter makes the mess. And no, after all these years, I still have no idea how to clean a distiller.

Simple Answer said...

Wow. That's all I got. Wow.

karey m. said...

man, you need a maid. pronto!

Tenakim said...

We have a lizard problem, but I'm guessing your are bigger than ours- they still FREAk me out! The girls are so darn cute- look like they're adjusting.

Michelle said...

Yuck, Jill, that water like like there are scary things and bacteria swimming in it!

Michelle said...

I can't talk, what I was trying to say was... get out of that water before you get some deathly sickness. It can't be clean!

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck on the 'lawn trimmer' and the broom. Anybody ever heard of a broom stick? Maybe you could introduce them to the broom stick? I'd be willing to give up mine, but ever since the price of gas has skyrocketed, my broom is the only form of transportation I can afford.

I love this peek into Life in India.

Alison said...

So interesting. A look into another culture. Thanks for the education!

Claremont First Ward said...

I am so facinated with everything that your new "life" has to offer. I think that distiller would be a little daunting to me......and the rain? That's SOME rain. I'm glad you have a new area for laundry......I can't imagine using a broom like that, or cutting grass with just those tools. Wow.

Unknown said...

I like your laundry room. It might be kind of peaceful to sit in there and listen to the rain (assuming of course that you don't get swept away in the monsoon!) I love that you show us all these little details of what it's like to live day to day in a country so different from our own. Just think, you're bringing culture to the interenet!


LINDSAY said...

The garden tools remind me of Haiti. I used to have nightmares about our gardner with his hatchett in one hand and bag of DDT in the other... I was always super nice to him to say the least!
Thought I'd pop in your blog and say hey back!

Mrs4444 said...

Hm. Is your house up on stilts? How will you keep your home from getting flooded?

Danyele Easterhaus said...

the laundry room is awesome...the water, not so much! and the girls in the pool are soooo cute!

Sydney said...

I don't think I would like laundry in the kitchen either. The outdoor laundry room looks nice. LOVE the picture of the girls. They look like they are having fun!

Lynda said...

Just found your blog... had a ball reading it.. I was in India for 2 years, and remember the monsoon.. also remember having to wade through hip deep water once.. yukko!! that scared me! Who knows what is in that water!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Blogger is so quirky. You have all these people leaving multiple comments. And then this post never showed up on my reader.

I really love reading your blog. I can pretend to live in a world I will never know. And part of me likes the fantasy of India. Rather than the water distillers. And thinking about what is in that flood water. Did it come into the house??

Rhea said...

That's a huge distiller and huge laundry room! Very cool. Those garden tools look a little primitive. lol

Kim said...

Hmm.. Lizards and bees? I am on the fence with those.. And I cannot believe they cut the lawn without a lawn mower.. crazy..

The girls look adorable!!!

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