
Headaches and Highlights

What a week. A long week. An overwhelming week. A week filled with running around and waiting. Endless phone calls and e-mails. Minor irritations and frustrations. No work or school on Monday for Labor Day and Wednesday for Vinayakar Chathurthi.

Here is a brief recap of the week... I won't bore you with all the nitty gritty details, there's too much to write. But here are a few highlights:

After spending several hours last Saturday trying to remove the waxy outer coat of paint from the armoire we bought for Matt, I finally broke down and hired a carpenter to come over and sand it down. It took him an entire day to do it.... and it probably could have used another few hours. I have since primer-ed the inside of it, and am waiting for a break in the action to begin painting the outside. Hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow.

I met with the Head of School earlier this week to discuss the bus schedule; more specifically, the end of the day drop off. While the elementary school day ends at 3:15 pm, the middle school and high school doesn't get out until 3:40 pm. And as there are only 2 buses, the elementary kids have to wait for the middle school and high school kids before they can leave. So they sit with a monitor in the cafeteria and wait.... for at least 30 minutes, sometimes 40 minutes before they board their bus and head for home. On a good day Riley will be home by 4:35 pm. More often with traffic, she gets home closer to 5 pm. Call me crazy, but I think this is a very long day for a five year old. Now I could go and pick her up every day. However, she LOVES the bus. To her, taking the bus is what going to the "big school" is all about. In the end, my meeting went well, and the Head of School is looking at a few different options to see what he can do.

There are NO lack of work functions and events here. In fact, we went to two evening parties this week, one with kids and the other without. Last night, we had the maid (who on another note, will be starting to work for us in less than 4 weeks) babysit the girls. I'm thrilled I'm waiting for her. I think she's worth the wait!

We've had a lot of work done on our house this week. We had an air conditioning unit put into our kitchen, two air conditioning units fixed, weather stripping put in on all doors and screen doors, pictures and mirrors hung, measurements taken for new vanities in the bathrooms, and a new kitchen countertop. As excited as I am that they're so responsive to our maintenance requests, I do look forward to the day where I don't have anyone in my house... except the dog.

We received a notice that the electricity board of Tamil Nadu has announced a new schedule of "load shedding" for one and one half hours daily for the foreseeable future. That's right, our power will be shut off every-single-day for 1 1/2 hours. Now we do have generators, that take about ten seconds to kick on once the power goes out, to help deliver electricity to our houses during these times. But, when the power goes out it, it turns off all of the A/C units and the computer; neither of which switch back on by themselves once the generator is activated. Of course, these are just the power outages they TELL you about. This doesn't include the other 10 or so times a day that our power goes out.

The week ended on a high note, when at 4:15 pm yesterday, the movers pulled into my driveway and delivered my 34 boxes of consumables! Yeehaw! 1962 pounds of food, toiletries, and dog supplies made their way into my kitchen... only to be put completely away, in our walk-in air conditioned pantry, within a few hours. Yes, we're anal retentive that way. Our items are piled floor to ceiling, and all around in places I can't even photograph. You all asked where we were going to store it. Remember the before photo? Here's where we put it all away. Take a look...


Simple Answer said...

My kitchen looks just like yours! Only open the boxes, toss paper everywhere, stack contents on every available surface and balk at the lack of counter/cabinet space. Throw in complete envy of your well stocked pantry!

Buses are a headache here too.

Glad you have an active social life. Sounds fun.

Robin said...

Congratulations on your delivery and spiffed up new digs!

I hope the Head is able to come up with a better busing plan. I have no problem with full-day school, but that really does sound like too long a day.

Mom24 said...

Sounds like it was a great decision to hire the carpenter. All day...WELL worth it! Hope you like it once it's done.

That is tough about the bus schedule. I can't believe what a long day that is. Julianna would never make it.

I'm glad you're getting the things done that you want around the house. I know you'll be happy to see the countertops go! It is hard having people around all the time though.

I can't believe that about the a/c. I've said it before, but it's funny how much we take for granted that you don't even know you're taking for granted.

Yeah--I'm so glad your combustables are there. I would love to have your pantry--air conditioned too, that's great. I'm not sure I'd want to leave here to have it though. lol.

Great to hear from you. I've been wondering how things were going. I figured it's been crazy. It sounds like things are getting there.

Suzanne said...

Awesome job. I can't even imagine trying to organize all that stuff.. LOOK at the peanut butter up on that shelf. I think that's the number one food item that ?expats miss and talk about.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's /Wife

OHmommy said...

Thanks for taking a picture. That is one pimped out pantry. I am so glad the peanut butter and Cheerios arrived. ;)

Anonymous said...

That's my dream pantry. And air conditioned!

Anonymous said...

My goodness that's a lot of stuff! What are going to eat first :) ?

Wep said...

Holy crap that's a lot of food!

Robin said...

So how long does that food last? Do you order shipments from the states or buy it while you are visiting and then ship it?

It's good to know that even while you are far from home you can get some familiar food.

Laural Out Loud said...

What a busy week! And those were just the highlights?

LOVE your pantry. Can't wait to see the finished armoir! And I would be upset about the bus schedule, too. Hopefully that gets resolved.

Unknown said...

Jill sounds like a busy week but things are coming together nicely, apart from the power outages.

I can appreciate the excitement at the consumables, I am the same whenever I get Brit' supplies!

Unknown said...

Oh girl... I am worn out just reading about your week!

karey m. said...

I WANT TO MOVE! minus the stinkies in my house all day...xoxo.

Kelly said...

Thank goodness for large pantries!
Riley's schedule does seem a little long...I would be more concerned with elementry school kids having to ride with middle and high school kids...
It sounds like you're being very proactive in getting your home livable which will be a relief for the rest of your time in India!
I have to say it again, I am so impressed with how fast you guys put things away!!!

Kash said...

Your kitchen is DIVINE. If you ever want to spare one of those Ranch bottles, you know who to send it too.

Kash said...

i meant your PANTRY

Alison said...

Wow, look at the huge boxes! It's great that you can be so organized-- I'm sure I wouldn't be.

I pick Miss P up from school and I'm the one who has to wait 30 minutes (to get a decent spot in the car line). I got smart and bring a book.

Jen said...

wow what a week. I am kinda tired just reading about it.
nice work in the pantry.

Tara R. said...

Wow! It looks like you could open your own grocery! Good to hear things are settling into place so nicely.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I LOVE your pantry! I wish we had a big one like that. For food and then for all that stuff that I'd like to be able to get to but don't need all the time. Like our waffle maker. Or the blender. Or the cuisanart. We have made buying in bulk a science because we have three refridgerators and a chest freezer. But we don't have the room for pantry items.

And your daughter's schedule. That is a really long day for a child! Hope they figure something out.

Mom24 said...

Check out my blog for some bloggy bling. You're a Kick Ass Blogger.

leezee52 said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. All of it. Just WOW.

leezee52 said...

Thanks for stopping by my featured SITS post.

I love peeking into your pantry!
Can I come over for a Frappuccino?

Lee :)

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

Saw you over on American in Norway's blog and thought I'd stop by and say hi! I lived abroad, but in my late teens and early 20s. My parents now live in Guatemala and my in-laws live in the Ukraine. How is your experience going? I loved learning about different cultures through my travels. In fact, I wrote about it today a bit. As I look through your pantry picks, I remember how comforting it was to have American food in a foreign land. Funny, huh?

San Diego Momma said...

We just got back from Costco, and I think MY pantry looks packed...yours beats mine by a mile.

Sorry for the hectic week, but as soon as everything falls into place, I hope you settle into a routine.

Rhea said...

That's impressive organization in your pantry. You need a freakin' warehouse or something for all that. Impressive!

RaĂşl said...

me gusta mucho tu blog lo visito todos los dias visita tu el mio y si t gusta deja un comentario y nos linkeamos los blogs

Michelle said...

The sheer amount of organization that must have gone into all this planning gives me an instant headache. And I didn't even have anything to do with it!

mary s. said...

YOU are unbelieveable, with how organized you are - that pantry looks like it could be in a magazine. Perfect!

Can't wait to see the finished armoire :)

Diane Mandy said...


Can I come to India for lunch or dinner?

-Bridget said...

That is an awesome pantry! I have pantry envy!

WheresMyAngels said...

The air conditoning in the pantry is cracking me up!

Heidi said...

Maybe I should stock my pantry like that. I mean how convenient. Mine is pretty bare. I know I don't live in India, but it could help that whole 5 minute trip to the store. And if you know my son, that is one awful trip!

Unknown said...

Holy groceries Batman!


Claremont First Ward said...

Look at you. You absolutely amaze me. Amaze me. Sorry about those power outages. I'm glad you have a generator, even though it's still a hassle. How long will you be in India anyway?

Ronnica said...

Your pantry looks like a stocked food kitchen. Nice! It is great taht you have an air conditioner in there.

Michelle said...

Now that is a pantry!

I hope they figure out a better bus schedule -that is an awful long day for that age!

Rela Pantaleon said...

wooo- your pantry is wicked!

So that's where they all the thousand pounds consumables go, huh!

Mrs4444 said...

What a treat! Looks like you've set up a wonderful household over there. Glad you found a maid, too!

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