
"Ode To My Wife"

While Matt is often a behind-the-scenes contributor to the blog, it's a very rare occasion when he specifically asks to have something posted. However, on this most special of occasions, I proudly share the beautiful email that I received from him this morning.

Matthew writes ... An Ode To My Wife.

"Eleven years ago today, I pronounced two little words that would forever change my existence. While time has not been as considerate to me, Jill miraculously remains as beautiful, sexy, and radiant as she did on that special day. It's difficult to imagine where I'd be without my perfect soul-mate, consummate friend, and the love of my life. Two little princesses and a miniature clone later, Jill and I have forged a strong partnership. As with any marriage, we certainly have experienced our share of bumps in the road, some more formidable than others, especially considering the non-traditional lifestyle we have chosen.

As you regular readers know, this year in particular has been quite trying for Jill in my absence. Nevertheless, she has managed to weather all with great aplomb - while maintaining the resolute strength, unselfish compassion, self-confidence, and sense of humor which I fell deeply in love with some 14 years ago.

This new year, I promised to demonstrate to Jill how much I appreciate her and just how much she means to me. This simple tribute to a woman who is like none other, and who thoroughly completes me, is my modest effort to reaffirm these vows. To this end, Happy Anniversary Jill!! I Love You!!!"

Wherever you all are in the world, please raise your glass tonight, and toast us as we celebrate eleven wonderful years of marriage.

And if you were at all wondering what the traditional anniversary gift-by-year may be. Diamonds baby. It's always diamonds.

Happy Anniversary Matthew. I'm the lucky one.


Donna said...

Awww. Happy Anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Raising my glass!

Robin said...

Yup, he's a keeper alright.

Happy anniversary!

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Connie said...

What a sweetheart and a special letter to keep forever. You two are a beautiful couple! Happy Anniversary!

Christy said...

Oh this made me tear up. What a fabulous couple you are! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Lisa said...

Teary! A keeper for sure! Congrats on 11 years Jill & Matt!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!

I believe it is a rare and lovely occurrence for a husband to be able to express the love he feels for his wife in such an unabashed and articulate way. Thank you for sharing it with us, Matt. We all think Jill is pretty special, too.

Bethany Davidson-Widby said...

Instantly brought tears to my eyes. Happy Wonderful Anniversary!

Sadie said...

what a beautiful tribute! you're both lucky to have found each other. happy anniversary!

Kristen said...

I'm tearing up too! And wow, that man can write! Happy 11th to you both!

Ramit Grover said...

Wonderful mush which just isn't mush! Happy Anniversary guys!


Just US said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Twenty Four At Heart said...

Awww ... how sweet! My husband was romantic once. And I do mean ... ONCE!
: )

Shannon said...

Tearing up! Your are a very lucky lady and I think Matt is a lucky guy. Happy anniversary!

Daniela Swider said...

Awwwww, what a beautiful note! You guys are one special couple! Happy anniversary and to many, many more...

Goya said...

This brought tears to my eyes. You both are lucky to have one another. Happy Anniversary!!

Mom24 said...

Very sweet. Happy Anniversary. May it be the last one you spend apart.

Kate Coveny Hood said...

Oh - happy anniversary! It will be 11 years for us in the Fall. Matt is right you are an exceptional woman. Can't wait to get to know both of you better when you are living in Northern, VA (totally laughed when I saw that you were at dinner in Reston the other night. You'll have to come meet ME there when you're a local.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Love it! Here's to you both!

mosey (kim) said...

That was better than a chick flick. sigh.....

Happiest of Anniversaries, you two.

anymommy said...

Raised. This is wonderful, happy, happy anniversary.

Garima said...

Raised... Consumed and Wished you guys all the hapiness in the world...

and here is my "Awww" now!

Issa said...

Beautiful. Love it.

Happy anniversary you two.

I did crack up at the one mini clone later. Ha.

Bfiles said...

Aw. That is beautiful.
Happy anniversary to you both.

I can't find my blog said...

Aaaw! So cute!

3 Peas in a Pod said...

Hi Jill,

I'm playing catch up with your blog and came across this. Happy Anniversary!! Matt's letter to you made me cry.

I hope all is well with you and your three little ones.

Much love from NJ,

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