
California Dreaming

We celebrated Gray's first birthday today, complete with overly frosted cake, multi colored cupcakes, cookies, and a cranky baby. Our friend's Linda and Graham were throwing a "Welcome to Chennai" pool party for a new family, and ever so graciously allowed us to celebrate the little guy's birthday as well. Linda even went above and beyond buying Happy Birthday signs and party hats!

I baked a cake for the event, made way too many cupcakes, brought some chocolate chip cookies (bummer if you didn't eat them, they were delish), and even frosted an individual cake for the munchkin.

But none of it really mattered as Gray REFUSED to take an afternoon nap, and was BEYOND tired for the party. He cried for a solid hour, clearly wanting to go to sleep, while I insisted on making him eat cake... all for a good photo. Yes, I am a glutton for punishment.

Thanks to all who joined in the festivities ... who e-mailed, called, and commented on the blog and Facebook. You helped make his 1st birthday a day to remember...


Christy said...

Yeah, he doesn't look very happy - but at least you have photos of him covered in cake as everyone should have of their first birthday! Super cute - and love the CA cake!

Z. Marie said...

Oh, I love the blue frosting mustache. I'm guessing you did some careful photo editing, but it looks like he had fun.

Mom24 said...

Julianna slept through her first birthday cake. Would. not. get. up. No way.

I love the California cake! So cute.

He looks so tired! (and adorable of course.)

Sara said...

Oh the things we Moms do for a photo. I'm terrible at making my girls sit for a photo! Even though he was tired you still got some great cake shots. He clearly enjoyed his cake!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday little guy! I love the cake though he doesn't seem real thrilled!

Bfiles said...

he sure knows how to celebrate a first birthday! Priceless pics. Happy bday to your littlest one. All the best.

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