
So Far ... So Good!

I had my final doctors appointments yesterday with both the ultrasonographer and my OB/GYN. My final appointments in clean offices, with magazines on the end tables and soft music playing in the background. The last appointments where I can sit on a REAL toilet when I need to give my "sample", where I'm given a REAL gown to wear when I have to undress for my exam, where they actually change the sheets on the exam tables in between patients, and where they actually swab my arm with alcohol or wear gloves on their hands BEFORE they take the blood samples (which they did here on 4 separate occasions). Oh how the little things really make my day!

So far everything looks good with the munchkin. I had to have 2 separate ultrasounds as the first one was too early to see the detail of the cleft and heart. I find it fascinating how things have changed in the past 4.5 years since my last pregnancy... granted I was pregnant and delivered in Muscat, Oman, so I can't entirely compare it to standards here in the U.S. However, I will say that the tests, exams, and appointments I've had here in the past two weeks have undeniably surpassed any maternity care I have had or will receive in India in these next few months.

I received some startling feedback from my OB/GYN yesterday that has left us pondering our decisions. While I had originally planned on returning here in the U.S. sometime between 33 - 34 weeks, the doctor feels strongly, very strongly, that I need to return earlier... much, much earlier. Apparently they treat patients every single day with the same types of complications that I have - though usually they don't have them all at the very same time. When the nurse left my exam room yesterday and was briefing the doctor outside the room, I heard him remark, "oh my" about my case. My 30 minute appointment turned into 1 1/2 hours and I left there with a full exam, another blood test, and my head spinning.

On the bright side, things look great and I am very thankful. I'm measuring where I need to, everything is in its right place, and I no longer have morning sickness.

I just hadn't planned on coming back here so early. It makes us sad to be away from Matt and the dog for so long. We're already struggling a place to stay, finding a school for Riley as all of the kindergarten classes are full and with a 1:20 teacher/student ratio, she'd have to be bussed to another school that has availability. And who knows where I'll find room for Sheridan, who absolutely MUST be in some type of daily program.

Luckily, I know that it will all fall into place in the end... and in mid-May we'll be starting a new chapter with a brand new baby, nightly feedings, and poopy diapers. 2009 is bound to be a great year for us.

Ultrasound on left... Sheridan's nemesis... a thumb sucker!!
Ultrasound on right is from yesterday - the only time the munchkin didn't squirm.

A glimpse of the ultrasound reports. I obviously made it clear enough that I didn't want to know the gender... though I had no clue that they would take me so seriously.


Robin said...

So glad to hear that all's well with the munchkin. I'm sorry you and Matt will have to be separated longer, but very happy that you're now getting top quality care.

Kim said...

You have so much going on in your life.. so much.. And yet even with your saddness you are still so positive and happy.. You are amazing..

I hope you enjoy bringing in the New Year with your family.. Cannot wait to see what 2009 brings!!

Ashley said...

Holy smokes, the things I've been taking for granted here in the US...like that my OB GYN appts always include gloves when they draw blood and I always get a toilet for my urine samples! Wowwee! Just found your blog and am wishing you tons of luck (I'll be back) - we're super close in due dates I think? I'm May 6ish :)


Unknown said...

Yay for you! I'm sure that everything will be as it needs to be in 2009! I'm happy for you and your family, and sorry that you'll have to come back sooner than you thought (and be away from your husband) but I have no doubt it will all be worth it in the end! Happy, happy 2009 to you! :)

Stephanie Smith said...

Come stay with us! Simi has great school systems. ;0)
So happy about all your progress. We can always count on you to be inspiring and positive, despite whatever the conditions are. Love you sorority sis.

Mom24 said...

I'm so glad for you that everything's looking so good. So exciting! My head would be spinning too, with everything you have to decide. Do you know when you'll be coming back? I hope things keep going so well.

Happy New Year!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am so glad all is well with your little one. Teeny tiny one?

So...how much earlier are they thinking you should be back?

Joyce said...

Glad to hear that everything went well. Your reports are so detailed. I have never seen my written reports! I am sure everything will fall into place for you, and I hope the rest of the pregnancy will go without any major concerns or hiccups.

Suzanne said...

I'm sure that you and Matt agree that the bottom line is a healthy baby and a healthy mom. I'm glad to know everything looks good.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

anymommy said...

Hurray for safe, healthy growing baby! That's wonderful. It must be frustrating and overwhelming to have to leave India so soon again. Keep telling us about it! Plus side: more Starbucks, though I doubt that makes up for leaving your husband behind.

It will all work out, that's a great attitude to have.

I LOVED the pictures of you all in the last post. You look wonderful.

Jen said...

I am glad that all things are well and that you and the girls are getting on. I wish you all the best in 2009 and I can't wait to meet your new little one.

Anonymous said...

I hope everything continues to go well. I'll keep you in my thoughts that everything that needs to be sorted will be soon.

Happy New Year - I think it's going to be a great one for you :)

Simple Answer said...

Oh. The separation. Yuck. But I'm sure the quality of care you will get will be so very, very worth it!

Kelly said...

Good to hear all is well...I see you received the same title I did during my pregnancy with Jack "AMA" - those bastards!!!

So is the plan for you to stay in CA until the baby is here?

Kash said...

Glad to hear things are going well! I love how they capitalized your request, they must have had some angry parents flip out when the gender was revealed before LOL

Alison said...

Hooray for a healthy baby whose GENDER WILL NOT BE REVEALED UPON PAIN OF DEATH!!!!

I admire your ability to roll with the punches and accept that everything will work out even if it is different than originally planned. Even though you'll miss Matt, the quality of care will surely be worth it.

Shannon said...

So glad to hear all is ok with the babe! And YAY for no more morning sickness! Woo hoo!

Happy New Year!

Mrs4444 said...

Thanks for the update. Glad things are going along smoothly with the pregnancy. I'm sure it will all work out; it always does, right?

jewelstreet said...

I'm glad to hear things are going well. I was wondering how you were doing over the holidays. My daughter was born with a soft cleft palate so I know how that goes.

Still sending you, the new baby, and your family well wishes and lots of love!

Tenakim said...

wow- sounds like all is going very well- that's great! Hope you had a great time on your visit!

Claremont First Ward said...

Glad everything looks so great with the baby......2009 IS bound to be a great year.....despite this little kink! :)

Michelle said...

I hope that you'll be looking into some good quality counseling for the dog. I can't believe she's been away from all the commotion for so long. Poor thing!

WheresMyAngels said...

How funny that typed that is just bold letters!

Glad everything looks good. Sorry you have to come back earlier than planned :(

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