
Shhhhh... Don't Tell Anyone

But I can already tell that for the next few weeks, all will be well in our world. More details soon...


Mom24 said...

Woohoo! So glad you're there, safe and sound. Have fun, take care, and post when you can.

Kim said...

Enjoy that Starbucks!!!!! Glad your safe.. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow--you're the best secret keeper EVER. I'd have spent the weeks prior griping about the air travel while pregnant....with 2 kids.

Mrs4444 said...

HOORAY! So happy for you!!! :)

Michelle said...

Enjoy yourself!!

Cynthia said...

Take care:)

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

So JEALOUS! Enjoy!

Alison said...


♥ Braja said...

I'm officially extremely envious that you're in the vicinity of a Starbucks. For a coupla bags of decaf beans, I could be convinced to give FREE tours to the whole family :)

Jen said...

Ooooo, are you guys home? that is so cool!!!!!

Heidi said...

How great!!!! So glad you are home. Isn't it funny that you start to be so involved in someone's life that you don't even know. Enjoy your starbucks!

Heidi said...

How great!!!! So glad you are home. Isn't it funny that you start to be so involved in someone's life that you don't even know. Enjoy your starbucks!

Unknown said...

Ha! You know Starbucks would be about the 1st place I'd hit after a hundred hour flight from India! You must feel a little bit like you just did all that, eh?


OHmommy said...

Yay... how does it feel?

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