
Happy Halloween!

Yesterday we attended the Consulate's annual Halloween celebration, complete with children's games, trick or treating, and lots of candy. Riley and her friend Carter decided to both go as Superboy and Supergirl, while Sheridan couldn't decide between a ballerina or a princess. Thankfully both of their costumes were easy this year, though we're about done with the recycling (if you don't already know, Sheridan's princess dress was worn by Riley for the past 3 Halloween's... thus helping me get all of our money's worth out of it).

The children's games kept the girls occupied for over an hour and included coloring Halloween pictures, decorating pumpkins (well they were really papayas) and playing the well known game of "Pin the Bindi on the Witch". The kids then all lined up and went trick or treating around the Consulate, hauling in a good amount of candy. Lucky for us, we didn't need to go through each individual piece and see if it was okay... most of it was being taken directly out of the brand new boxes right in front of us.

We finished off the day with a fun dinner with friends and are finally recovering from the girls sugar high.

Shhhhh... don't tell the girls, but I totally pilfered through their bags after they went to bed and took out my favorite candies! I feel so much like my dad....

Barely getting a smile out of the girls... though they'll always laugh with friends

The Consulate kids ... Pin the Bindi on the Witch


Robin said...

They look adorable, and what fun to have a real Halloween. I miss that. (And I would totally steal the good candy if I had the chance.)

trash said...

Oh! Is taking the sweets from their bags bad? Okay, I'll remember that for next year.

Mom24 said...

That is awesome. We're lucky here, Julianna won't eat most candy so it's all fair game. :-) Your girls look adorable. I love Sheridan's dress. (or is it Riley's now?) You definitely got your money's worth! Is Riley going to be Supergirl next year? Glad you had a good Halloween.

Alison said...

You can usually get 2 years out of a princess dress--you're doing even better than that!

Miss Pink was Supergirl last year. She still likes to wear the costume sometimes.

Glad you had a good Halloween. You get to have the American holidays as well as the Indian ones!

Jen said...

so cute and its that why they get candy so that mom and maybe dad can raid the bag when they are asleep?

Kelly said...

Very cool...I'm glad the consulate sponsors things like this so that the kids can have a piece of home...
I had to enlarge the group picture...there were some great costumes!!

anymommy said...

I definitely stole my kids candy, I plan to do it for years to come! They look darling.

Laural Out Loud said...

Another candy stealer here! I think my tummy hurts more than my daughter's, lol.

How fun to still be able to do Halloween at the consulate. The hast totally makes the princess costume!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Look at that Wicked witch costume! I bet her mom didn't use green food coloring :-)

We always made a point to really get good use out of our costumes. Either through hand me downs, or simply putting them in the girls' dress up trunks and letting them play in them all year. We used to buy extras of the really inexpensive ones...or try to get some after Halloween- especially the princess varieties - for the dress up trunk.

Anonymous said...

I totally stole my kids' candy! My excuse was that I didn't want them to have so much sugar.

Unknown said...

Luckily my kids didn't get anything in their bags that I liked...
Your girls are adorable! (I love the pink cowboy boots!)

Danyele Easterhaus said...

so much fun! love their sweet smiles...except witch who got into character!

karey m. said...

very sweet! those girlies...

Michelle said...

I've got a deal with my kids, that every time they take a piece of candy, I get to take two pieces. I don't know how, but it's working!

Cynthia said...

OMG...Look at how cute everyone is! I love the little lobster, and thing one and thing two!

Kim said...

Oh boy..I am glad I am at work..If my son saw that Super Girl costume he would be hooked!! LOL

What great pictures.. and I always take my favorite candy from the kids bags..it is like a right of passage as a mom right?? :)


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