We didn't pay attention to what either girl had picked out until we got into the car and they both put on their necklaces. Sheridan picked out a frilly purple Dora necklace, while Riley picked out a shiny silver bunny on a thick silver chain.
It wasn't just any bunny mind you... it was a very distinctive bunny profile... wearing a bow tie. You know the one I'm talking about. Everybody does. But not Riley. She just saw a shiny toggle chain that looks like mommy's. And a bunny. What child doesn't like bunnies?
Matt didn't find it that amusing when he saw the necklace (that she refused to take off). This prompted him to explain to her what the symbol of the bunny actually meant. He matter of factly told her that the bunny was a symbol for a magazine called Playboy, that has pictures of naked ladies... all with bare tushies and boobies. She furrowed her brow and looked very taken aback. All she could muster was one word, "really?" She then asked him if the bunny was male or female. After giving her some lame answer about the bunny being androgynous, she shrugged her shoulders and told him that she didn't care... she still liked it.
Hopefully we won't be seeing this bunny again in another 13 years...

That is awesome. So funny! Hopefully she's like Julianna and will take it off and promptly never wear it again anyway. Somehow I bet not though. Can you imagine her telling all the little girls around the sandbox at the park about her bunny necklace? Have fun today, I can't wait for more stories.
Does Matt have a few more grey hairs? Cuz I'm sure that would've taken years off my girl's Dad!
I read another blog a few months back...I believe it was Classy Chaos and her daughter opted for some "shot" glasses in the $1 section...a few other things so inappropriate for kids wanting to shop and buy for themselves!
A bunny is a bunny after all. It's really cute.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
That's a cute story... watch out, if Hugh Hefner is still alive in a couple years, she may just be a potential girlfriend- and he puts those bunnies on EVERYTHING for them!
Haha, good for her for not caring what people think! She likes it & that's all that matters. Go Riley!
That remins me of a time my German moth-in-law took my kids to the buck store when they about three & they brought home a pair of red dice that lit up & said things like Tickle Me & Rub It!!! I almost died when I saw it. My mother-in-law is so innocent it would never have occured to her that it was sexual, that or she didn't read it. The kids LOVED those dice. I managed to get rid of them a few months later when they lost interest! (:
Omigosh that's hysterical! Keep her away from my place -- Hef's been hanging out there this week ...
It would be impossible to pry that bunny from Miss Peach. I'm thinking you, she, and the bunny are in for the long haul:)
Oh, I'm trying not to laugh. Yeah, that's a hard one. She just sees it as her bunny necklace, but what if she tries to wear it to the grocery store? Tricky...
i am DYING for you to take photos of the grocery store checker, dude at the bank, and random help at the mall...when they see what's around that darling girlie's neck!
make sure she's wearing appropriate bra top and daisy dukes, please. for me?
Did he not tell her about the really informative articles in it?
She only sees a bunny and thats that. :)
And Xbox always has the best comments. :)
Kimmylyn :)
How funny... NICE! I let Eva go to school today in a Hello Kitty T-shirt & a HARLEY DAVIDSON SKULL CAP.. (Don't ask where it came from...) She was looking oh so nice... but really I din't even care... I just explained that SHE picked it out...
When you say it like that you seem like a really nice mommy! (not Tacky)
Oh man. I too hope that I don't see that bunny in my house. The boys will be in real trouble. Good luck with that one.
Thanks for the advice with the play dough. I think that that babies may be a little young and will probly eat it. My oldest will like it. I will use it for him. Thanks for visiting us.
Freaking hilarious! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during the explanation about Playboy magazine.
I second Mary's comment!
I have NEVER called my husband over to read a blog over my shoulder... until today and the Playboy bunny necklace. He got a good laugh, too. Why? because that is SOOOO something Wynnie would do, and then not care what the 'story' is behind the bunny.
If/when she takes it off to go to bed... accidentally throw it away.
My two year old has become obsessed with a necklace she found at her Great Grandma's last week. She says, "oh, this necklace is so beautiful" and refuses to take it off. I'm sure it's full of lead. It's this dumb metal thing that says, "Virgin of Carmel" on it. WTH?
So so funny!! No picture of the Dora necklace?
Okay, for a minute there, I read "shiny toggle chain like mommy's" and thought, "HOLY COW!! She's an ex-Playmater?" I had to reread it a couple times. (Yes, I'm slow tonight.)
what a way to reclaim the bunny!
How funny.. I can just imagine my husband's reaction...
To Bridget - The saint medal doesn't have lead... it's most likely an oxidized metal (they can come in ss and gold too, but not as common), we sold a lot of them where I used to work.
Amazing! Gotta say, I just can't wait until my daughter is old enough to baffle and embarrass me like that :-)
Right now, the worst I get is her shouting "cock! cock!" whenever she sees any sort of timepiece... lol!
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