
I'm Back In The Saddle Again

After 2 days post-op, I'm finally back on my feet. Yippee. It sure does feel great to be out of bed and out of the house! Tuesday's 1 hour 15 minute procedure was deemed successful, and Matt got the full report from the surgeon as I was wheeled into the recovery room. However, I didn't stay there long for the surgery center was extremely efficient, and after gathering all of my paperwork and 4 pages of glossy photos of my insides, we were on our way home.

My in-laws kept the girls all Tuesday afternoon so that Matt could tend to my every need... or at least most of them ... which was very helpful as I felt much worse than I had anticipated.

On Wednesday, still feeling sluggish and in minor pain, I stayed in bed the entire day while Matt took the girls to lunch with his grandmother, their Great-Grandma Vera.

Today I woke up feeling much better, so Matt and I shipped the girls back off to my in-laws in order to finish up our consumables shopping. While the girls went to a children's science museum, we pushed and shoved our way through Costco, Target, Toys R Us, and Loehmann's, spending way too much money, and buying much more than we probably need to last us until next summer.

I sure do hope that 18 jars of peanut butter is enough for an entire year...

The Girls With Great-Grandma Vera


Mom24 said...

Your girls are too cute. I'm glad you got your shopping done, or at least mostly done. It must be hard to estimate what you're going to need. I'm sure you do your best not to buy too much/too little. SO GLAD the surgery was deemed successful. Good news. At least hopefully, the discomfort and pain will be worth it. Have a great weekend.

mary s. said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better and that all looks good. Great-grandmother Vera is FABULOUS! I love her!

Diane Mandy said...

I am happy you are feeling better and that the procedure was successful!

18 jars of peanut butter?

Simple Answer said...

Vera! What a treasure!

Now that the unpleasantry is over? Here's to the fun part!

In my house, 18 jars of peanut butter is only good for 18 weeks. 20 weeks tops.

Suzanne said...

I'm sure you are relieved that the surgery is over. The girls are SOOOO cute, almost as cute as GG Vera! What a treat that they could visit together.

Shopping for consumables and moving to India - - - WOW. I can't imagine the organizational and coping skills needed for such a task. It's a great adventure for sure but I'm in awe of the flexibility needed for such an endeavor.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Unknown said...

God Bedring... (Get well.. in Norwegian) Glad you are feeling better. Just think any peanut butter you don't eat you can give as a house warming for the next American family. I drive over to sweden once a month to get my kids American peanut butter... now THAT is love... ; )

Emily said...

Glad you're feeling better, J.

C.C. said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, too. Take care of yourself...don't shop till you drop. That would be bad. We'll have to compare our peanut butter purchases after one year. We bought 12 big jars from Costco to last a year...we shall see!

Cynthia said...

Glad you're up and about...Grandma Vera and the kiddos look like they have fun together:)

The Mom Jen said...

I'm so glad you're feeling so much better now, just caught up! Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're doing ok!

Are they Sam's club sized jars of peanut butter?

Anonymous said...

Great-Grandma Vera is so beautiful! I hope the girls had fun.

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