
Let's All Go To The Fair!

We took the girls to the Alameda County Fair today. The last time we went with my parents was three years ago, right before we left for Israel. A very dear friend of mine, who I haven't seen since we backpacked through Israel together in 1991, brought her 3 children, and met up with us for the afternoon. It has been difficult to get together with anyone since we arrived due to our crazy shopping and doctor schedule, so it was nice that she schlepped down to see us!

We walked around the fair and checked out all the baby animals; including a baby calf and newborn piglets born today. We even watched the first horse race of the season (well actually it was a mule race, but shhhhhh, don't tell the girls... they couldn't tell the difference). And the girls played... oh boy did they play!

It took Riley about 15 minutes to warm up to her new friends, but once she did they were good to go. We spent almost $60 on tickets for the rides, and we let the girls decide what they wanted to do. They rode the ponies, the carousel, the big slide, and ran around through the mini obstacle course. We even watched a thirty minute show. The sweetest part of the whole afternoon was watching these little girls bond ... and hold hands everywhere they walked. I followed them around trying to snap a photo of their adorableness, and capture the innocence of the 5 year old mind.

I don't need to go back to this fair for another three years. I had more than enough of the smells, the filth, and crowds. Oh wait, this will be my daily life in India for the next three years... Sigh.

Sheridan, Katie, Riley, and Eily

Sheridan standing next to the lambs - Riley on the horse - Sheridan crashing out before lunch

Photo taken at the end of the day when Julie and I were hot, sweaty,
and in the pre-melt down stage... and so were the kids!


karey m. said...

the smells, the filth, the crowds. oh wait, that'll be my daily life in india for the next three years.

I AM DYING! i can't wait for the chronicles to begin...

Emily said...


Did you break out into BBG songs?

Can you believe I still remember THIS song: Marwin. Marwin. Marwin BBYO. 19 strong. We all belong to Marwin BBYO...

Mom24 said...

At least you had fun. I can so picture what you mean about the smells...when we spend a day at the zoo, I can't wait to go home and wash it all off. India would probably not be on my first choice of places to go...the smells, the filth, the crowds, good luck! :)

mary s. said...

Ditto what Karey said. You crack me up!!

Simple Answer said...

Those are some precious pictures! I love how easily 5 year olds make friends. I wish within 15 minutes of meeting someone we were holding hands and laughing and BFFs.

Suzanne said...

The fair is so much fun, even with the aforementioned challenges. I'm waiting for the transition to India. I will probably never get there in my lifetime so I'm going to rely on you to take me there...... on your cyber magic carpet.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Unknown said...

Love the pictures.... so cute.... & India... Umm... that is the one place that was exactly as I imagined it would be, before we arrived. We cruised in there & could smell it coming... But I am sure you will live in a very nice, non smelly area... : ) LOTS to see though...

Kim said...

I am getting giddy to hear of your adventures abroad.

Those pictures are adorable!!

Kimmylyn- Joggingincircles

Tara R. said...

I haven't been to a fair in years.... the smells, the filth, and crowds... oh, yeah, now I remember. :D I love photos of the girls, priceless.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous kids! All the girls holding hands, so sweet. Oh, to be 5 again!

I can't wait to hear about India!

Heather said...

Good times!! Hot, smelly, sweaty good times.

Cynthia said...

I remember the county fairs...it is a long day!

Tenakim said...

What sweet pics of the kids!

-Bridget said...

I would be ok if I never went to another fair. But someone always seems to drag me down every year. At least I get my share of greasy fair food in the form of funnel cakes. Yum!

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