
Gone Fishin'

Well ... camping actually. We're heading off to the Russian River in about 10 minutes to go on our used-to-be annual canoe trip... (the last time we went was in 1997).

Wish us luck... with 25 family members sequestered in the woods without electricity, cell phone coverage, and internet access for 3 days, there's bound to be some drama. I'll be sure to tell y'all about it next week.

Have a great weekend!


Simple Answer said...

Enjoy! Stay safe!

Mom24 said...

I hope you have a fabulous time. It does sound like fun.

The Mom Jen said...

Oh it's beautiful there! Have fun!

karey m. said...

no electricity? eek.

Sunny said...

Lovely BLOG...
I visited ISRAEL in 1999.....
Also am a Chrisitan but have many Jewish friends.....
My dearest lives in Connecticut..
I also visited her aunt Haya who lives in Ramot.....
I support a ministry here in the uk

Unknown said...

Hope you are having a blast... Pop by my blog when you get back.. I have something for you!

Tenakim said...

Have fun - can't wait to hear about the trip!

Eve Grey said...

I hope you had a great time. I love camping. The less technology options, the better!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see pics!

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