
At 1:37 PM I Hit The Send Button ...

... and at 2:41 PM I had our travel orders in my inbox.

With a note of apology. From the Executive Director of the HR bureau.

Amazing what a well written, factual, plea-for-help-because-your-HR-tech-sucks letter can do.

Now ... let the amendments begin!!


Becky said...


Mom24 said...

I am so glad!!! Good for you. Now let's just cross our fingers for the amendments. :)

Mom24 said...

Ya think maybe it's not the first "plea-for-help-because-your-HR-tech-sucks" letter they've gotten?

Kate said...

Woot! Well done. We're on the verge of a letter ourselves.

Christy said...


Laural Out Loud said...

Maybe your letter started the cog wheels turning (that's a saying, right? I always get my sayings wrong) for a NEW tech!

Shannon said...

Yay! No you can get on with everything!

Z. Marie said...

You should have asked whether he/she could put a tracking device on your ELSO shipment so you can follow its (likely) slow route to the new house.

Anonymous said...

What is the secret? I have so many friends with TA issues. It is INSANE!

TulipGirl said...

I know there have to be some intelligent, competent, kind, hr techs. And I know that even the most together person has a bad hair day and makes a mistake.

But really. . . even though I know that? I don't know ANYONE who has had smooth sailing with travel orders or hr techs. (And, with our first move, we're the ones who paid -- heavily -- for the hr tech mistake. . . because, to be honest, we were new and didn't know any better. . .)

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