
I Won The Lottery ...

... or so it feels.

After 21+ months, I finally figured out a way to keep this busy boy occupied for more than 2 minutes at a time.

Please give a BIG round of applause to ... the iPod.

The only problem now is that he thinks it's his ... and sadly, I think he's probably right.


Z. Marie said...

We often resort to entertaining Owen with Kevin's iTouch during church.
Can you believe our babies are 21 months?

Mom24 said...

That is really adorable. Lily was just like that with Jason's--until Jason dropped it. Bye-bye ipod. Notice though, it was not Lily that dropped it. :)

Mom24 said...

I can not believe he is 21 months!!! Crazy!

Bethany Davidson-Widby said...

Seth is now 4 and we bought an iPad for the family which he has taken over as his own. He sits for hours and works on the sandpaper letters (a Montessori app), the US map (another Montessori app), music, pics, and this crazy giraffe that mimics everything you say (and sounds like he's on helium). There are SO MANY educational app for the iTouch and iPad it's amazing!

These kids are digital natives, unlike us the digital immigrants. My colleagues and I are integrating more technology into our classrooms every day to keep up with the interests of this generation :-)

Ms. Sarah said...

hey whatever works. We used to put blake on the computer with reader rabbit or baby enistine.

Issa said...

Yep. Here too. Greatest invention ever.

Kat said...

Haha! Oh my gosh, that is just the cutest picture EVER. Adorable!!!! :)

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I refuse to have games on my phone for this exact reason. The kids will think they have some kind of squatters' rights when I let them play with it. Or maybe I just hate games. It's a toss up. Either way - Chris is the one who has to fight for use of his own phone on the weekends. So I must be doing something right.

Jen said...

He's so adorable!! Look at those cheeks!

We have a similar issue in our house: Nick thinks the iMac is his...sadly he uses it so well, it could be....

Connie said...

There was a gamer/anime thing going around awhile back, a quote I saw on t-shirts etc. "all your base are belong to us" ... whenever I see my kids (or others' adorable munchkins! Your little guy is sweet!) taking over mom and dad's tech... that is the quote the comes to mind. So far I've managed to keep Honor away from my ipod as a mobile tool - she does use it in the dock speakers. I'm afraid if she gets more familiar with it, I'll never see it again :)

Heidi said...

Too cute! My 5 year old boy is heavily into games. I have all these limits and then I give in because it makes him so happy.

Love this photo.

Vodka Mom said...

SMALL sacrifice.



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