
In Sheridan We Trust?

Oh I sure wish these actually worked ... because I need a lot of them. Especially now that our house in Virginia finally has foundation, and framing starts next week.


Shannon said...

Yay! Glad there is progress on the house. Hopefully it goes quickly.

Connie said...

Congrats! And what cute currency :)

Mom24 said...

Cuter than a plugged nickel. :)

Yay! for house progress. SO exciting!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

We had the, why can't we just print our own money so everyone would have enough convo this week. Treasury, gold, blah blah, I muddled my way through it!

Can't wait until you are in VA!

Michelle said...

Woo hoo for progress!

Anonymous said...

I'd print a million bucks if I thought it would actually work! Ah YEA! For house progress. That's always exciting.

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