
Yup... It's Official ...

... the gardener now has more teeth than Riley.

Story of how she lost tooth #7 in tomorrow's update.
A small hint ... it included a game of tag, a boy's hand, and a lot of blood.


Anonymous said...

How does the poor girl eat with so many missing teeth!

She looks really cute though ;)

Ramit Grover said...

OMG! You actually managed to get the gardener's picture! Wow!

You're so so so cool!

Sheridan looks soooo cute!

Christy said...

Wow! But I have to ask - what is that across his forehead?!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Very funny! Now, let's hope your gardener doesn't read your blog and your daughter's teeth start coming in so the poor thing can chew.

Mom24 said...

What a smile! She looks great. :-)

Robin said...

Quite a competition they've got going there. She's cuter though :).

What on earth is on his forehead?

Unknown said...

You are so flipping funny! You should have put the two of them side by side... lol

Natalie said...

I laughed out loud at the comparison. Too great.

Darlene said...

Great photos.... LOVE IT!

Good thing is that hers will come back.

Kirsten said...


Kirsten said...


Lisa said...

that is flipping hillarious!!!

Anonymous said...

LUV it!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

That is Sooooo Funny!

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