
Walk With Me...

Matt often refers to India as an assault on the senses. The noise, the smells, and the sounds can at times be overwhelming. It's very difficult to capture what life is really like here; one can't truly appreciate it until they've seen it with their own eyes.

For several months I've been asked to upload photos around town... things I see on a daily basis. As one who isn't normally comfortable hopping out of my car at any given time to snap away, I usually would just find ways to cleverly take out my little Canon digital point and shoot and discreetly take photos.

Until today.

My driver took me and a friend out around town where we both used our DSLR cameras to photograph Chennai. We started off by taking photos out the window from inside the moving car. As that proved to be a little challenging, we decided to hop out of the car and walk up at down some streets. I wasn't quite sure what I was trying to capture while snapping over 200 photos.... the poverty, the filth, the innocence. It tugs at your heart strings when you drive down through these slums and see kids running around naked, or animals eating anything and everything to survive.

It's raw, but it's real. Come with me as I show you a little more of Chennai...

Relaxing ... Pumping Water ... Peeling Onions

An Ironing Stall ... A Tailor Stall ... A Tailor on the Street

Coconuts ... Banana Leaves

A National Pastime


Beachfront Properties ... Literally


Lisa said...

amazing pictures. when Josh went to india he was amazed/appalled at the poverty, but he didn't have a camera to show me what it was really like. wow....thanks for sharing Jill.

Kirsten said...

Wow. What great photographs.

Mom24 said...

Those are really powerful photos. I think I would have a very hard time living there. Kuddos to you.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I think that I was one of those voices. And I thank you for doing it! I have told you that I have this fascination with India. I don't think it's totally idealized. I am so intrigued with setting up shop with a sewing machine on the street. Or the woman peeling onions. Was that for her use or to sell? And an ironing kiosk? Amazing.

Oh...and my daughter's class would like to send you a Flat Stanley!

Jen said...

Wow. Thank you for this. Thank you.

Tanya said...

Awesome photos Jill you have a great eye.

Rachel said...

Thanks for the pictures. I am a lurker on your blog, but am fascinated by your life in India. You should do this more often (since I know with 3 kids you're not busy at all!).

anymommy said...

Thanks for sharing, these are gorgeous and tragic. Loved your little boy's smile.

Robin said...

Very powerful images, thank you for taking them.

Part of me wants to see India, the other part is afraid I wouldn't be able to handle it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I love the two women at the well. Look at the happiness in the smile and the smiles of some of the others as well. It's heartbreaking that they have so little (and makes me slightly sick for all that I have) but look at how the circumstances they live in doesn't break their spirits. That is a wonderful gift.

I hope you'll share more pictures in the future. We have a HUGE Indian population in our community (about 35% are Indian) and I met some ladies at the bus stop this week. I hope she didn't think I was rude but I couldn't stop staring at her beautiful traditional dress!

Anonymous said...

What powerful photos. I think so many of us here in the states ignore how the rest of the world lives. Thank you for reminding us not to look the other way.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures of life around you!!

Michelle said...

thanks for sharing a more intimate look at life in India.

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

That's Crazy! My Hubby used to travel to India frequently for work and would take pics and tell me stories but you captured a different view than he did. Very neat to see.

Eve Grey said...

Those were very interesting, thanks for posting. What do they do with those banana leaves? Did you guys give that little boy the bag of chips, and the one where the boy had two large dots on his face, were they both just markings or was it some sort-of growth? Just curious. :)

Christy said...

Oh Jill, these pictures are exquisite--truly. I love seeing the many different sides of India...thanks for sharing & giving us a glimpse of what life is like there. It's easy to forget that not everyone lives like we do in the US.

Sheila said...

Great pictures. I check in on your blog from time to time. I usualy don't leave comments, but I wanted to say Hi! I love everyday life in pictures. You did a Great job of capturing it!

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