
There WILL Be Vomit

Tomorrow morning we're traveling up north to the Golden Triangle of India... Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. We're leaving early. Very early. Like the butt crack of dawn, can't believe I'm up WAY before the sun comes up, early. We're heading out on the first flight of the day, which departs around the time that most people would be hitting the snooze button for the second on their alarm clock.

We usually take a trip with our parents' whenever they come to visit us overseas. It gives us a chance to see the sights where we live, and then before we start getting on each others nerves, we get the heck out of dodge to see something new. Last time Matt's parents visited us in Israel, we went to Cairo to see the pyramids.... and several months before that we went with my family to Petra in Jordan. We've been waiting to see the Taj Mahal with Matt's folks ever since we found out we would be posted in India.

Of course, it won't be a true vacation unless someone gets car sick. As many of you dedicated followers know, Riley and Sheridan have a penchant for vomiting. Without fail, it happens on EVERY single ride to the airport, or hotel, or some point during the transportation phase of the vacation. It's a virtual guarantee that it's going to happen... at least one of the girls will be sick. No matter how far in advance I plan, I prepare, I anticipate... they always hit the one part of their clothes that I hadn't covered, or the part of the car seat that just doesn't lend itself to easy cleaning. And this trip? We have several hours EACH day where we'll be on the road. There's easily a couple opportunities a day for someone to get sick.

So I'm ready. I've pulled out the vomit bags that I've collected from many years of airline travel. I've put a second set of clothing in each girls bag. I have Dramamine. Bring it on!

Or don't... I'm really okay if it doesn't happen. Really, really okay. Because ... my father in law is a sympathetic vomiter. And while I can handle kids puking their guts out, I'm not so sure how I'll do if he follows suit. Do I pack him an extra set of clothes too?

Stay tuned...


Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

awww man. Good luck with that. I DO NOT handle vomit well and would most likely need a change of clothes too if I were going with.

Mom24 said...

Good luck! I really, really hope it doesn't happen, but I bet you're right, it seems like it probably will.

I don't have a lot of patience with sympathetic vomiters. Mark used to tell me he was, and I would tell him he had to get over it. Thankfully, he did. lol.

Jen said...

You should just cover them in plastic while in the car. ;)

Good luck and here's to no vomit.

Shannon said...

Oh man! I am sorry. When I was a kid I was the one who always vomited. To this day I hate planes (so my husband chooses the FS for a career???) because every time I got on one up until around the time I was 13 or 14 it was a guarantee I was going to vomit at least once. I still always check for a barf bag even though it hasn't happened in years. Thankfully none of my kids have inherited this tendency.

Michelle said...

Try ginger capsules. I'm a vomiter and I do not vomit when I take it. Works for kids, too.

Teresa said...

When I was a kid we moved 11 times from the east coast to the west (navy brat), and every time we drove. Every single day, my sister and I would vomit. I'm amazed my mom didn't leave us on the side of the road. :)
As I grew older I did not grow out of the travel sickness thing. In fact that is why I sit in the front seat in India - I get carsick from the weaving and lurching. I will say that bonine (don't know if they have it for kids or not) has made a huge difference in my flying. I can take it and stay awake (dramamine is like an anesthetic to me, not so good when you're on your own with two kids!). Another trick I used that worked was keeping ice bags in my hands and on my wrists. It numbs some nerve that contributes to the problem.
On a lighter note, let me know how the trip goes - we're planning on the same one over Thanksgiving, so I need all the tips I can get! :)

Chiloe said...

Emma is a vomit phobic ... She was so afraid she could vomit ... Thanks god, she hasn't been sick in a while ...

I'll pack 2 set of clothes if I will be you !!! lol Have fun travelling ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I have a vomiter and a sympathy vomiter on my hands. I keep plastic ziplocs in the car at all times...just in case.

Here's hoping the vomit damage is minimal!

And have fun on the vacation part :)

Anonymous said...

Do your girls read, play video games, or do anything like that while riding in the car? Just asking because those activities combined with the movement of the car can often lead to motion sickness, which then leads to vomiting. (I know this from having spent countless hours in the car trying not to vomit myself...)

Shannon said...

Hope the travelling is going well... and is vomit free!!!

Crystal said...

I have missed you! You are just hilarious. I feel your pain as far as people vomiting on car trips. I vote that you bring everyone traveling a change of clothes : ) You are wonderfully organized, Jill! Hoping you have a vomit free time~

Christy said...

Oh my god this was really funny Jill...I'm reading them in the order you wrote them, so I'm off to the next installment now!

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