
Rosh Hashanah Israeli Style

It's hard to believe that we're ringing in another Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah 5770) in India ... and with the same families from last year!

This year we decided to include the kids as the festivities called for an earlier start time. However, while dinner was scheduled to commence at 7 pm, we foolishly neglected to account for Israeli time, which equates to about 8:30 pm.

It was an enjoyable evening with plenty of Sephardic symbolic fare (say THAT five times fast) ... each provided with its own explanation (mostly real, though in some instances fabricated on the spot). In addition to the traditional dishes (say THAT three times fast), this year 's highlight was a platter with a fish head the size of an orca whale (understanding that biologically a whale is not a fish). This custom, albeit a little macabre, signifies "It is better to be like the head (leaders) than like the tail (followers)." Thank goodness ... because if the symbol was reversed you can only imagine what would have been on the table.

In all we had a great time, ate fantastic food, and drank way too much Israeli wine ... so much so that Matt slept through his alarm that was set at 3 am to go to the airport and pick up his parents who flew in this morning. In fact, he'd still be sleeping if he wasn't awaken by a text message at 4 am from our driver. As luck would have it, his parents breezed through the airport H1N1 medical screening, immigration, and baggage claim all within an unusually expeditious thirty minutes from landing. So Matt found them an hour later than scheduled, waiting outside the airport, fending off the throngs of auto rickshaw and taxi drivers. If not for the five full sized suitcases and box of frozen chorizo sausage and cheese, they probably could have taken an auto... that is, if they had our address ... or even our phone number.

L'Shana Tova Umetukah. May you be inscribed for blessings in the book of life...

Left: The Beautiful Tables ... Right: The infamous fish head...

The girls lighting the Shabbat candles

Left: The guests during the opening blessings ... Right: My boys

With the hostess


Jen said...

looks like you guys had a great holiday.

Robin said...

An hour late? Oh man, that's my worst nightmare. My mother would never get over it. I hope his is more laid back...

Your holiday looks lovely. Ours was as well, and thankfully bereft of fish heads. Never did like that particular tradition - thank god for good old Ashkenazi chicken soup and matza balls!

Shana tova my friend, and I hope it's a wonderful one.

Emma said...

Shana tova Perlman's and please send my regards to Betsy! You look like you all had a great time!

anymommy said...

It looks lovely. And Grady is sooo big and cute. I hope you figure out that rash soon.

Unknown said...

I know I say this ALL OF THE TIME... but you are the cutest family! Hope Matts parents weren't ticked off...LOL Glad he got there.

Halftime Lessons said...

Hi Jill-

First time I have come across your blog, and I am immediately interested. LOVED your street pics in India. Can't wait to follow your exploits, and I am gonna forward to a friend at Dell who is contemplating a move to India with his family.

Loved your blog, Jill!


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the proper thing to say is for the holiday but I hope it was a great one! It looks like it was a lot of fun.

Love the airport story. Reminds me of when my parents were coming to Germany and we all trucked 2 hrs to the airport and waited and waited and waited. Turns out they'd missed their connection in DC and weren't able to leave till the next day. Doh! Airport take two the next day - we found them...eventually ;)

Mom24 said...

That's looks like a wonderful time. Happy New Year!

Enjoy the in-laws!(?)

♥ Braja said...

Only in India :))

Christy said...

Beautiful pics! Enjoy the holidays! :-)

Christy said...

That is one ENORMOUS fish head. Did you eat it? And it looks like you all had so much fun. I can't believe his parents don't have your address or phone number! How did you work that?! haha!

Lisa said...

Happy New Year to you - looks like you had a great one!!!

Brooke S. said...

Shana tova! Max and I were invited to our very first Rosh Hashanah dinner last week by a local family here in Jerusalem and it was delightful. Looks like yours was too!

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