
Reality Bites

While sitting around the dining room table today at lunch, Riley informed me that she's changed her mind. She no longer wants to be an artist when she grows up, she wants to be a mom.

Me: "That's a very hard job." "Do you think you can handle it?"

Riley: "Well, I already know how to yell. Really loud."


Sejal said...

too funny!! YOur girls really know how to make you feel good!!

Blasé said...

..hence, we teach our children by our actions more than with words??

Peace and Love

Shannon said...

Sounds like she'll make a great mom, LOL! This is sooo something my youngest would say!

Shannon said...

Oh that is too funny!

Chiloe said...


Mine wants to be a cashier ... :rolleyes: because you know it is sooooo much fun to scan stuffs ... ( I think minimum wage will take her back to reality !!! lol)

The Mom Jen said...

Well then, my kids will be the best parents on the planet! LOL Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! In that case my kids are in good shape too :)

Unknown said...

Love it! : ) If all it takes is a really loud yell, then I should be mother of the year!

Mom24 said...

She's halfway there. ;-)

Jen said...

LOL! thats too much.

Anonymous said...


♥ Braja said...

Oh, touche....:)))

Anonymous said...

Well, at least she's got half the job down...:)

Anonymous said...

Well, at least she's got half the job down...:)

Christy said...

Oh that is too cute! haha!

Lisa said...

that. is. awesome :)

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