
Wayward Observations From a 4, 6, and 35 Year Old

Over the past few weeks as we've finally settled in to our temporary lives here, the girls have made many comments about the differences between living in India and Southern California.

While Sheridan's observations are nowhere near as prophetic as Riley's, she does notice some changes. Such as how much colder it is here than in Chennai. And how clean it is at her school. And how much bigger it is than her old preschool. And how the teachers aren't called Auntie's...

Riley on the other hand goes through the litany of differences on an almost daily basis. It usually starts with how much better it is here because there are less bugs. And then moves into what she calls the "cool factor" that her school cafeteria offers three choices for lunch... and the bathroom isn't in the classroom, but rather outside and around the corner. Very exciting stuff for a six year old. She also loves taking baths now because the water is clear, not brown when it comes out of the faucet (um... yeah, I like that one too). Riley remarks how clean everything is too. Stores, roads, cars, the hotel room... nothing can be too clean for my neat freak. But there is one thing she does miss in India. When we're stuck in traffic, we're stuck... we can't just honk and go around the cars. There are rules here, and we actually have to follow them. Bummer ' cuz I do miss that one too.

I've also had a chance to notice a few things of my own. Like how I can totally embarrass my six year old. Rock on! Last week I dropped Riley off at school wearing the same sweat pants that I slept in the night before and a sweatshirt that I threw over my tank top. No big deal. I'm pregnant and have very few clothing options, right? WRONG!! Apparently she considered what I was wearing pajamas and she was mortified. You would have thought with all the whining and complaining that I drove to school naked, got out, and walked her to her classroom. I didn't. All I was doing was dropping her off at the curb. Arghhh.

Riley also has an issue with my car. I clearly don't wash it enough for her taste. Every single day she tells me that it's too dirty and she doesn't even want to touch the door anymore.... or be seen with me in it. So after 3 weeks, I broke down and finally took it to the car wash. And when Riley saw the car after school she couldn't contain herself. She thanked me again and again, gushing about how clean the car was and how excited that the inside was vacuumed too. Oh the drama...

My other observations? The cars here are nice!! After being overseas for so long, I'm not used to seeing so many nice cars in such a small geographic vicinity. When I drop Riley off at school, my itty bitty Nissan rental is usually sandwiched in between a gaggle of Range Rovers, Land Rovers, Escalades, Lexus SUVs, BMWs, Mercedes Benzs... Wow do I feel out of place. And my "school drop-off outfits" are SO not up to par with the JCC scene. I must have missed the memo that the outfit of choice is a track suit or yoga pants, sports bras with tight t-shirts, and perfectly coiffed hair (the uniform of the stay-at-home-mom here). Sheridan should just be darn lucky if my face is washed and I'm wearing a bra...

Twenty two days and counting. It can't come soon enough... as someone actually asked me today if I was carrying twins. Come on? Seriously?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like kids are kids no matter where they are! I hear you on the Moms Of the Club at school. Hello, the ten year old of one of the moms? She wears Dior jeans. I kid you not. A 10 year old! Everywhere I turn it's Gucci and Louis Vuitton (And I can't even spell that). Then there's me and my H&M and Gap. :)

I may drive a bmw but that happened by circumstance of needing an automatic and that it was available asap.

My fav is the Land Rover mom who parks up on the sidewalk. Simply because she's so much cooler than the rest of us.

Oi! I love going to a private school! Not. I can't wait for public school reality when we move. That'll be a shocker, lol.

Anonymous said...

I am actually looking forward to getting AWAY from the Mom-Uniform and all of the high end cars. I imagine it will be a nice refresher!

Congrats on the 22 day mark!

Robin said...

Oh for pete's sake - I've seen your belly pics and there is no possible way anyone with functioning eyes could possibly think you were carrying twins.


Mom24 said...

LOL So, does it take all your discipline not to beep and just go around? Too tempting. :-)

There is no way you could look like you're having twins, but that's all right, tomorrow someone will probably frown thoughtfully and say you don't look that far along.

I always laugh when I drop off J&J at school, (and you would not want to see what I wear, I live in dread of having an accident and having to get out of the car), it's Honda Odyssey Minivan row around here.

Hope you're feeling well.

22 days? Wow!

Christy said...

Are you serious?! You DO NOT look at all like you're having twins--that's ridiculous!

We had the perfect moms like that in Ohio at drop-off at school (I liked to call them the 'Burberry moms' b/c of the handbags. :)


3 Peas in a Pod said...

I'm sure there are a ton of differences between Cali and India. So funny to hear what's important to your little girls.

Um you don't look like you're having twins. You would be much much bigger. I love when people open their mouths to a preggo lady. Less is better people.

Woohoo to the 21 days. That's right around the corner. Hang on Jill. Matt is almost here and so is that little itty bitty baby.

Much love from NJ,

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

That is funny that she wants a clean car and thanked you for cleaning it! What a little neat freak!

California is like polar opposite of India!

Unknown said...

3 weeks? So excited for you! I hope you are planning on bringing your laptop to the hospital... :)

Enjoy your time home!

Shannon said...

That is hilarious about Riley and the clean car!

Just 22 days?! I'm all excited and I'm not the one who's preggers!

Kari said...

Hi! I saw your profile on ClassyChaos, and just clicked over {chalk it up to my nosy-ness!!!} You're very interesting! I love your blog!

Cynthia said...

Don't tell me...Lululemon is the uniform. That's the hip Mom garb here...

Alison said...

No way you look like you're having twins. Someone said that about me when I was pregnant with my son... that is NOT a nice person who will make a pregnant lady feel bad about herself!

I'm sure there is a lot of culture shock returning to California. How funny that Riley thinks your car and wardrobe is not up to her standard! I'm glad Miss Pink hasn't started chastising me yet for those things!

Kelly said...

Riley is too funny about the cleanliness issue...how easy it is to please her though...go through a carwash and Viola!! Happy girl!!

Don't give in to the trendsetting SAHM....jammies rock!

Lisa said...

love the observations. FYI - I'd so be that lady in the sweats that looks like she rolled out of bed dropping off at school....especially now that the baby is here!

Mrs4444 said...

Wow-Embarrassed at 6? I've always been curious about that; why some kids are moreso than others. Loved this update.

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