
Tap-Tap-Tap... "Is This Mic On?"

As we're in the final countdown until we leave for California (21 days folks!), our activities have increased to an all time high ... and blogging about them has sadly taken a back seat. Here's the latest with our travel plans, and other happenings in Chennai.

At 29+ weeks pregnant I'm feeling quite large and in charge. I am all baby, all in front, and look identical to how I did during Sheridan's pregnancy... which is throwing us for a loop when it comes to baby names. I have nothing to go on to sway me one way or another ... except for my gut feeling which has been wrong twice before. BUT, if I was a betting woman, I'd say this one's a boy. And for absolutely no other reason than I want a boy. Matt on the other hand thinks it's a girl ... and feels he'd be great with a third girl since he's mastered the color pink, is comfortable with Barbie dolls, and can hum the opening tune to Hannah Montana.

We have plans to depart India around March 30th and will stay in California until sometime in July... all depending on how quickly we can get the baby's documents in order: passport, diplomatic passport, social security number, visa, medical clearance... There's lots to do and we'll be pushing the envelope to get most of it completed while Matt is still in California with us. Speaking of Matt, he'll be joining us around Mother's Day (assuming I don't need him in town earlier), and staying for 5-6 weeks. Once he gets to town and acclimates to the time change, we'll be inducing... and not a day too soon!

We found a family here who's willing to take Libby while Matt is away, which is fantastic considering there are virtually no kennels here, or at least no kennels that we'd be willing to ever set foot in, let alone leave our dog for one-single-night. Hooray... that saves us from having to mull over the possibility of schlepping her with us to California for 6 weeks.

And speaking of Libby, or Lampshade Head as she's affectionately known in our house right now, she has another infection on her paws, most likely from allergies and the increasing temperatures/humidity. Our first veterinary visit last week lasted 30 minutes, where he identified the problem, gave her a good once-over, prescribed medication, and presented us with his bill... a whopping 150 Rupees - or $3! Our follow-up veterinary visit today was about 15 minutes where he did another check-up, realized that she wasn't healing, applied some serious looking goop to her paw, bandaged and wrapped up her paw, and sent us on our merry way. This time for a whopping 200 Rupees - or $4. And medications? Less than $5. Here's one area I just can't complain.

As for the rest of last week, it was spent ... at the dentist, at after school activities, running endless errands, taking the girls to round #2 of their rabies immunizations, going to both ladies poker night on Friday, and guys poker night on Saturday, taking the girls to a birthday party on Sunday, at the pool, and with Sheridan who didn't have school on either Thursday or Friday.

We have another packed week, which started tonight when we celebrated Purim with friends. We had a nice dinner where we read the Megillah and schmoozed over Hamantashen. Tomorrow night we have a birthday party to attend for our driver's son. Thankfully our friends were also invited and will be joining us at Stare-fest 2009... when all of the villagers pinch Sheridan's cheeks and oogle over us foreigners.

Until then... here's a photo of Lampshade Head. Can't you just feel her misery.


Robin said...

Yikes, you guys are going at warp speed. Very impressive that you read the megilla, we just settled for the hamantaschen ;-). Did the girls do costumes too?

I know what you mean about the StareFest - we were the only non-Africans at attendance at our cleaner's baby's Outdooring years ago - fascinating custom, but I think we were more on display than the baby was!

Three more weeks till you leave. Wow. (Don't other people's pregnancies always fly by quickly lol?)

Alison said...

Wow, it's almost time for you to leave. I think it's so cool that you're going to be surprised with the baby's sex. We did that with our first but not the second, and it was awesome. I thought I was having a boy and we had a girl...the second pregnancy was very similar and he was a boy!

3 Peas in a Pod said...

Wow you guys are packing a lot in. That's for sure. I had 2 boys before I had my girl and even after I had my daughter I kept asking the dr if he was sure she didn't a pee pee. I just didn't believe it. I hope you get your boy but I'm sure you'll be thrilled with whatever God blesses you with.

The girls have to get rabies immunizations? Am I taking this too literally?? I'm hoping you don't mean your daughters!! Can you tell I never leave the US. :-)

Much love from NJ,

Mom24 said...

I'm confused about the rabies immunizations too. I hope that's not literal.

I think if I were you I'd be hiding under my covers. Wow! What a lot coming up. Very exciting though.

I'm definitely crossing my fingers for blue, but I know pink would be fun too. :)

Unknown said...

You are almost home girl! Hang in there... tims will fly with everything you have goin gon over there! Take care of yourself & don't do too much!

Kat said...

Aww. Poor lampshade head. :(

Wow! Homecoming is almost here! How exciting!

Tenakim said...

Wow- you're totally in the 'homestretch' now! Great for you- I know you're excited!

Off the subject...I had a dream that you and I and Mrs.4444 were at the same party- but I've been having really odd dreams since I've been sick again!

OHmommy said...

Whoa... that baby will be here soon. Your pregnancy has flown by for me. LOL. Has it for you?

I am so glad you are coming home for the birth. ;)

Suzanne said...

I'm so glad you'll be leaving for the U.S. soon. How lucky that Matt can stay for so long. Just thinking about all the paperwork stuff gives me a headache, but I'm sure you're accustomed to it by now, or maybe not.

My feeling is "boy". We'll see.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Cynthia said...

Awww...poor lampshade head:( I can't believe how cheap the vet is!

Simple Answer said...

oooo. I can feel the excitement about going home from here!

A boy? Are you sure you want one of those? :)

Mrs4444 said...

Awww.Poor pooch! I'm so excited for your trip home!!! I hope the time FLIES by!

designHER Momma said...

so sad lampbaby. but still cute...

Ashley said...

OMG I kept looking at that 29 weeks thing and was like they're waiting til march 30th?! See in my head, it was reading as 39 weeks and I just couldn't understand for the life of me why you thought you wouldn't have the baby til after march 30th.

I'm slow. *sigh*

Poor lampshade head...

Shannon said...

You have been busy! And I'm sure your days will stay that way for awhile, huh?

anymommy said...

Ah! So soon. Can't believe you are 29 weeks already. I'm so glad the details are getting worked out, etc., so that you can 'relax' and have this little one in peace ;-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything! I hope they get all the baby's things sorted quickly when the time comes so you can get back home.

I'll think blue thoughts for you ;)

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