
The Moustachio Bashio

Today marked the end of the 2nd Annual Moustachio Bashio contest. HOORAY and HALLELUJAH!

Last night Matt spent a good hour shaving and forming his moustache for today's lunchtime competition. I took photos of the before, during, and after... though had to stop many a time as I was laughing so hard that I was afraid I'd pee my pants (literally, not figuratively).

As a reminder, the rules for the contest were:

** Contestants must be clean shaven on Tuesday, February 17th, and have a "pre-growth" photo taken.

** No moustache-enhancing drugs will be allowed.

** Locals at the Consulate are encouraged to participate, but might be given a handicap considering their "natural" advantage.

The Categories that were judged:

** Best-in-show (The moustache that actually compliments the person's face)

** Best Tamil Film Star Moustache

** Men of Prodigious Growth

** Best Attempt

** Best 70's Movie Look Alike

** Best Misdirection of Growth

** Best Handle Bar

** Best Redneck Look Alike

** Best All Around Stache... 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place

I went to the Consulate today at lunchtime for the "Stache Viewing" and finally got to see all of the men who participated in the event. I was actually surprised at the turnout ~ a majority of the direct hire men working at the Consulate participated (and those who didn't this year, participated last year). There were moustaches in all stages of growth, and coiffed in many different shapes and forms. It was quite a site.

They announced the winners at a party this evening, and it's no surprise that Matt won an award for one of the categories... "Best Impersonation of a Redneck". I've started calling him Jeff...

My favorite part of the entire day? Later tonight... when Matt shaves the rest of the hair off! Don't get me wrong, I do like facial hair... just usually the 5 o'clock shadow kind. Matt looks great with a few days scruff... just not a few weeks.

Take a look below ~ I'll let you decide your favorites.

My Favorite Lumberjack ~ The BEFORE photos

Taking a break in the middle to see how a goatee looks

Lookout Jeff Foxworthy...

The Participants


Ashley said...

lol that's hilarious!

Ashley said...

ps - i still think this is a really cool contest...

Anonymous said...

The dude on the left has perfected the "Doorman-Stache."

Too hilarious!

Heidi said...

Very nice. Only how did you kiss all that scruff? Ouch!

3 Peas in a Pod said...

He looks good with a goatee too. He must be happy to get that itchy beard off his face. I think he looked nice with facial hair and without. You two make a nice couple. :-) Actually, you have a nice looking family too. Can't wait to see the new little one. Are you really curious to find out what's inside your belly? Or am I just impatient? I knew all 3 times what I was having. Although it would have been an extra special surprise the last time when I found out I was having my daughter. It would've taken days to sink in. I just simply couldn't believe it even after she was here.

Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Much love from NJ,

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I really like the goatee. What do you think?

But the stache. Hilarious. And I love that you have pictures of all the participants. The grooming on them is fabulous...

anymommy said...

Awesome. My husband would have lost this for sure - he can't grow a beard/mustache to save his life!

Marinka said...

What a great idea! Hey, why don't we try it? Oh.

Mrs4444 said...

Love it! And your husband is a hotty. Yes, I know I've said it before, but it's still true :) Not as hot as mine, of course, but second runner up for sure :)

Jessica said...

Just found your blog - and this is one of the funniest contests I've ever seen. We're in Baku; wonder if I can get the embassy here to participate!

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