
It's Getting Real Folks

The movers came today to pack and ship our consumables and air freight. We leave for the East Coast on Monday for two weeks, and then at the end of July we're off to Chennai. I was actually embarrassed when they walked in and saw how much stuff we had. We have spent a majority of this trip shopping... for food ... and more food... and well... you can see below. I think in total we made 4 trips to Costco, 8 or so trips to Target, 4 trips to Pavillion's grocery store. Oh yeah, don't forget about the advanced order I placed at Trader Joe's, the huge dog run at PetSmart, or the two stops at Smart and Final.

It took the two movers about 3 hours to pack everything up. In total we had 17 boxes of air freight, which should arrive a few weeks in India after we do. And the consumables? Drum roll please............. 34 boxes, which will hopefully arrive by the end of September. Hopefully.

Oh, I do pray that we have a place to store it all.

The unbelievable amount of "stuff" we purchased to last us our first year.... or three

Half a year of dog food... a few bottles of the "good stuff"... battling the "Delhi Belly"

Our air shipment (notice the iMac on top) ... loading the truck with our consumables


Simple Answer said...

I can't wait for the movers to get here next week! It must be a relief to see all that stuff on its way. Plus, I'm sure you're a lot like me where I'm dropping $200-300 every day!

How long will you be without your computer? Will you still be able to blog? I think the day they take our iMac it will feel like I've had an appendage severed off!

mary s. said...

I cannot imagine doing this. I am totally fascinated by all of this!!

The Mom Jen said...

Wow! You have a very fascinating life!!

Keep in touch!

Mom24 said...

I hope your hubby appreciates what a wonderful partner you are. Wow! What a lot to go through...on so many levels.

I hope you have fun on the east coast.

I can't even imagine how organized you are. I am in awe of your skills--and very jealous of your Mac. You will LOVE it. We used to have one. Mark convinced me to switch to a PC, but I will always miss my Mac.

Laural Out Loud said...

I can't even imagine the joy of being able to watch someone else pack and move my things for me. That must be awesome to see!

I tried to sneak peak at all the things you bought, but you should post a list! I'm just curious as to what kinds of things you need to bring with you, having already lived abroad with kids.

Eve Grey said...

That is seriously amazing. Wow. I am so excited for you!

Jen said...

That is alot of stuff. I hope that you will be able to keep in touch. I am anxious to here about the move and how things go. Best of luck to you.

Stephanie Smith said...

That is clearly NOT enough wine. Go back to Trader Joe's IMMEDIATELY. xoxo

Cynthia said...

I am shocked and amazed. I actually had my Husband come and take a look! Good luck to you...I'll be reading:)

Young Creations said...

I am so interested in what you are doing. Are you not able to get any of these supplies in India?

Suzanne said...

I can't imagine doing this either. Where will this be stored in India?

- Suzanne

Clare Anzoleaga said...

All this packing reminds me of my sister-in-law. She packed this way when they moved to Lybia. Despite all the packing, she still gets out of the country every 8 weeks! I wish you well with your journey. It looks fun!

Mrs4444 said...

This is exciting! Thanks so much for taking the time to pop over today; you and your family are in my prayers...May your journey be a quick and safe one! I'll be thinking of you...

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking India must be really bad if you can't get toilet paper. Thankfully we can get Charmin and stuff here. How did you get to bring wine though? We weren't allowed any liquids like that (nor food actually though we sneaked some in).

Good luck. I sort of love watching others pack my stuff, but I always worry they will mislabel something storage when it really should be going in freight!

karey m. said...

oh...my heart is racing a bit.

i don't want to leave jordan...but i love that whole moving process so much!

Emily said...

Do they not have food and TP in India?

Donna said...

Hi - I recently discovered your blog, and having just made a similar move last year, I'm laughing and wincing as I read about it (my husband's DS, too - we're in Beijing right now).

Good luck - better you than me - we still have 2 more years before our next move, knock wood....

Meanwhile, I'm trying to blog while keeping up with kids (emailfromtheembassy.blogspot.com)

It's a fun way to live, no?

Tenakim said...

I'm on pins and needles waiting to see how everything goes! Have you ever been to India?

Heidi said...

Cut out some toiletpaper & pack more wine! You may need it. :)

Anonymous said...

India doesn't have toilet paper? I'm learning SO MANY new things.

Happy packing!

Anonymous said...


...not enough toilet paper. Did you also stock the Cottonelle wet kind? Those are good for India too. I don't want to get graphic about it all but hopefully you know what I mean.

Toilet paper can be purchased in India. It usually comes in packages of 2 rolls and is like sanpaper. It's not great if you have a lot of bathrooms to supply or a large family.

To those who are curious about this kind of stuff in India. Toilets are supplied with a spray hose...TP is optional.

Scary Mommy said...

Wow! Your life seems so exotic to me!

Kim said...

These are the posts that make me sit with my mouth wide open going.. WOW. you are really doing this.


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