
The FURminator

For the last 5 years, we haven't watched any commercials or infomercials. It's not for lack of television viewing, it's just that our AFN (Armed Forces Network) television stations don't televise commercials. Instead, we get Public Service Announcements, which are all geared towards the lowest common denominator. PSA's about locking your doors, sunburns, gambling, wearing reflective clothing while motorcycling, things you can and can not ship through the post office, and how parking spaces in other countries could be narrower than your car. Your eyes cross after 5 years of enduring these mind numbing announcements.

We've also have missed out on infomercials. No QVC, no Home Shopping Network, no Tony Little screaming at you to purchase the Gazelle, no flowbee hair cutting system, and I can't remember the last time I heard the phrase, "It slices, it dices... and if you act now you can get it for the LOW, LOW price of $19.99, which is a savings of over $200.... our operators are standing by."

While walking through PetSmart yesterday to purchase 300 pounds of dog food, Matt was mesmerized by the infomercial at a kiosk at the end of one of the rows. I suddenly heard my name being called out from across the store to come take a look, so I walked over to see what Matt was watching. Here they showed a golden retriever being brushed with The FURminator, a metal "rake" that with one stroke, takes off the fur that's being shed on both the top and undercoat of the dog. It took less than 5 minutes to brush this dog, and what was left all around was more than enough hair to make a second dog.

Having fought this shedding battle for almost 7 years now, we were desperate for anything that would help keep Libby's fur at bay. After viewing this infomercial for only a few minutes, I was sold. They had me at their motto... "Because your pet's hair looks better in the trash can than on your couch."

Though the price was a tad steep at $59.99 for the large brush, the hair piling up after brushing Libby in the garage was its testament to its efficacy. We are so looking forward to a fur free floor.

Now if only they made one of these for women ...


Simple Answer said...

Ugh. I hate the never ending battle against dog hair!

Ummmm. How is that dog food getting to India?

mary s. said...

My friend Lisa SWEARS by the FURminator. I must buy one to use on our cat! (Black cat + white couches do not mix.)

-Bridget said...

You got sold too quickly. I bet if you had gone seven minutes in you would have gotten, "but wait, there's more! act now and you'll get also get a vegetable peeler and a set of ziploc bags."

If it does the job, it doesn't matter what the price is.

Tenakim said...

You must tell us how it works! I am a sucker for all things infomercial- I can't count how many things I've bought- maybe I should move to Israel!

Jen said...

I bet that you think that you miss the commercials but you are not missing anything. Just opportunities to buy things that you really don't need and really don't work. But I hope that you have better luck.

Suzanne said...

Wow, 300 lbs of dog food? Is it the dry food? Does it spoil before you have a chance to use it? Hmmmm....so many questions. But you have to understand all this living overseas and taking all your stuff with you...is new to me. And hey - where do you store all this stuff??? Inquiring minds want to know.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Eve Grey said...

That sounds so damn satisfying. Maybe I'll get a dog just so I can buy the brush. (:

Popz said...

It's innovation like this that makes me proud to be an American

Anonymous said...

If they do make one for women let me know! We don't have a dog at the moment but my hair everywhere more than makes up for it.
We finally got SKY service (from London) after having two years of only German cable. It is so wonderful to hear all English again!

OHmommy said...

LOL... I have been sucked in by infomercials once or twice in my day. They are really convincing. ;)

Cynthia said...

Wow...that is a steep price, but if it works, it's gold!

Anonymous said...

I have to ask: do they give you a shipping container to get all that stuff to India??

We, too, have a fur problem. Our Chesapeake/Lab mix loses a few POUNDS of fur a week. Even the groomer cannot get it all after 4 hours. I'm writing this down... furminator. =)

Karen said...

The furminator is a wonderful thing. I've had one for a year for my cats and it never ceases to amaze me how much fur I get off of even my short hair kitties. Local vets around here who have grooming services offer "Furminator Days" just for people to come in to have their furbaby brushed with these things.

Mrs4444 said...

Very impressive toy you have there! I just may have to look for it at Petco on my next run...

Kash said...

Had no idea you don't get commercials! Wow. I'm moving abroda in a couple of weeks and am afraid the only tv I will get is via internet. :(

J'Ollie Primitives said...

I remember watching the Superbowl on AFN in Germany years ago...somehow SOMEBODY managed to sneak in a Budweiser commercial with the Clydesdales, beer wagons and all....we were more excited about seeing a Superbowl commercial than the game!
p.s. LOVE the furminator! Now if we culd just find crafter who weaves dog hair wool.....

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