Which is a good thing considering I didn't buy her many gifts as the world is scheduled to end tomorrow.
Of course, all I wanted for her birthday was this ...
Unfortunately, we didn't even get a chance to eat this ...
Because of this ...

Two hours spent in the nurse's office today while I was running the Winter Holiday Party in Sheridan's class. Two and a half hours spent in urgent care where we BOTH went to be seen. Official diagnosis? I have an upper respiratory infection. Riley has strep throat.
Thankfully the weariest of travelers made it back here safe and sound to celebrate Sheridan's special day ... and now to take care of us! It was touch and go for awhile as the weather in Afghanistan actually canceled flights from Herat to Kabul for 48 hours. When he did finally leave, he truly made his connecting flight from Kabul to Dubai solely by the hair on his chinny chin chin.
But he's here now. And he's all ours for the next 18 days. Let's just hope the antibiotics kick in for us so we can enjoy it!
P.S. For a good laugh, take a walk down memory lane with me when Sheridan turned three ... four ... five ... six ... and seven.
I am so glad he made it home! What a great birthday present!
I am so sad you are sick, that is always the worse. The good thing is, perhaps you can rest and give Matt some kid time.
Hope you feel better soon!
::happiest of happy dances:: !! Have a great R&R, get some rest (take all of your meds!) and enjoy the time together. XO
Boo for being sick, but yay for Matt being home! Enjoy your time together and I hope everyone is back healthy again soon!
Happy birthday to Sheridan and to you and Rile - get well soon! Yey for Daddy being home!!!
Happy Birthday to Sheridan, and Happy Together holidays for you all!!
glad he made it home, sounds like it was just in time. Wishing you a much healthier 2013!
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