
Casa de Perlman ... Take 9

In the fifteen years that Matt and I have been together, we've lived in 9 different houses. It truly is of the many perks of moving around as often as we do. And while that may sound awful to most, I don't mind it ... in fact, I'll actually admit (in a hushed tone of course) that I like it. Sure, in the heat of the packing and labeling and schlepping and inventorying, I may be a bit moody. But when offered another chance to design and decorate a new space, the grumpiness fades away and the excitement begins. Who doesn't love a fresh start?

I've given many guided tours of our homes over the years. From our two homes in Muscat, Oman. To our house in Tel Aviv, Israel. To the two houses we lived in in in Chennai, India. And onto our tiny rental cottage in Newport Beach, CA.

However, it's been quite awhile since we've had the pleasure of furnishing a house with all of our own belongings ... and as you can see from our latest tour, it's totally been worth the wait. While we are still deciding on paint colors and rugs, window coverings and artwork, we're finally ready to unveil our newest abode.

Here's the latest from Casa de Perlman ...

L to R ~ The family room ... kitchen ... opposite view of the family room

L to R ~ the dining room ... the sun room.

L to R ~ Riley's room ... Sheridan's room ... Gray's room.

L to R ~ view of the upstairs landing into the MBR ... the office and view of Gray's room
... one view of our bedroom

L to R ~ the storage room in the basement ... the kids play area ... the guest bedroom

Beautiful sunsets as viewed from my front porch.


Cherry said...

Beautiful! I love love love those blue bar chairs! you have such great pops of color in your furniture choices.

CaraBee said...

You have done a wonderful job decorating your home!! I want to come steal those bar stools I love them so much. Well done, Jill! Your home is beautiful!

Gilsner said...

It's lovely! You clearly have great design taste! I, too, love the torquoise chairs.

Welcome home... again! :)

Issa said...

Oh look a guest room for when I come visit. ;)

It's beautiful Jill. Truly.

Heidi said...

Gorgeous!! You've done a great job here. It really is just lovely.

Mom24 said...

Absolutely beautiful. So warm and inviting and I love the openness.

Kate said...

Tuquoise bar chairs are divine! I see you also employ the same kitchen counter decorating principal as me: a bottle of wine.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

I want to move in!

mosey (kim) said...

Gorgeous home! And your kids' rooms look ridiculously tidy - are they always that way???

Nomads By Nature said...

You've done a fabulous job with the decorating - stylish and welcoming! I was curious about your two homes in Muscat - we had the same. Holy MOLEY -- your first home was OURS!! May I ask why they moved you out? For us it was a year of issues, the landlady not fixing anything and mostly because they started to put the highway in behind the house (which our shared side faced completely) and the heavy duty equipment was 24/7, floodlights, back up beeping, and a vibrating house that had the glasses rattling and the kids laying on the floor for the vibration bed experience. Also, did they have any bathroom curtain? We had a sheet up the first few months until they final put in blinds to block out shadow puppet theater for the neighborhood. I don't miss that house. :) The second was much smaller and much much better. You second one looked lovely and HUGE!

But out of all - your new home is the loveliest! I bet it just feels wonderful and right and blessed every time you walk in your entry way. Congratulations!

Daniela Swider said...

Awwww, it's beautiful!!! I bet it feels fantastic to be in a new home of your own with your own furniture and belongings. Enjoy!

Lisa said...

Gorgeous! I love your style.

Christy said...

As you know, I ADORE your house and your decorating style. In particular, the hot pink chair and the turquoise bar stools make me drool. Also - those pillows on your bed - I WANT THEM! xoxo

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

You have a beautiful home and have it decorated beautifully! I love the clean look with the pops of color. Well done!


Anonymous said...

Very nice! I love seeing the things you've collected from your travels, some of the furniture pieces (like in the dining room) are beautiful.

And I was secretly thrilled you tossed in the picture of the playroom with toys on the floor! Yay - You are normal! :)

Managed Chaos said...

Love, love, love the kitchen and living room. And the end chairs in the dining room look fabulous with the fabric you picked out.

Heather Dray said...

Looooove it! I'm so happy you're enjoying the time with you new home! You've got some seriously cool style. Thanks for sharing!

Bfiles said...

absolutely beyond beautiful. I'm going to be gazing at these pics over and over again! beautiful job, I don't know how you do it. Maybe one day you'll tell us in which country you purchased all the gorgeous stuff around the home? Congrats on your new home.

Just US said...

Absolutely beautiful!!

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