
Hotel Room *Sweet* Hotel Room

So here we are. Crammed into our small, but thankfully clean hotel room. After a long few days of packing up and moving out of our rental house.

There's actually a decent amount of closet space to store our 8 bags of clothes and 8 Trader Joe's bags of cr*p I never organized but threw together in haste when the movers decided to condense our move from two-days-to-one.


We checked in early Saturday morning and weren't even in the room for two minutes when Sheridan decided to play with the glass candy jar on the coffee table, and subsequently break it. Sending shards of glass all over the floor.

Again, bygones.

Let's just say that the lady at the front desk and I are going to be on a first name basis after the number of times I've gone over there these past 36 hours.

Well her, and the liquor store owner next door...

If you find an extra bottle of sanity on a shelf, send it over. Stat.


Connie said...

Glass + candy dish... well, that was a dumb idea anyway ;) One less thing to worry about! Hope your stay is short and sweet and you're moved on in to your new home asap!

Christy said...

Oh my! I'm thinking of you guys all the time sending PLEASE KIDS GET ALONG vibes! You can do this! Less than two weeks left!!!

Kat said...

Oh man. I was just telling my hubby of the "adventure" you will be taking on the next two weeks. You are my hero.
Good luck!!!!

Kate said...

A liqour store next door? Suh-weet!

Issa said...

Oh it looks so pretty and clean and in one piece. ;)

amy said...

Good Luck and lucky there is a nice place for you togo and get some "sanity" for yourself:-)

Mom24 said...

The end is near...one way or another, that is. ;)

Batons? In a room that size? Are you out of your mind?

Good luck. I'm sending good vibes your way.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you. I mean it. We are set to move in two weeks but thankfully our next place will be vacant in time and we haven't got our house here rented out yet. Since getting a puppy (not the best timing, but when have we ever had good timing?) I will barely manage the 2 days we do have to stay at a hotel. I can't even imagine weeks.

May they grant you sanity...and lots of margaritas!

Bfiles said...

hang in there!

Anonymous said...

does the liquor store deliver?

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