
Roller Rinks Are Still So 1980's ...

The last time I went roller skating was in September, 1994. I was a senior in college. We had just been assigned our little sisters in the sorority and we were all going out to celebrate!? The music at the rink was loud, with dimmed lights, and a disco ball illuminating the floor. If I remember correctly we were all dressed in clothes from the 1980's.

Last night I took the girls roller skating for the school's first PTA fundraiser. Not much has changed since 1994. Same loud music. Same games. Same cheesy guy in acid washed jeans, with a tank top and long hair. Same obligatory kid with a rockin' Afro.

The girls went skating once over the summer, though from the way they talked about their abilities, you'd have thought they were Dorothy Hamill's in the making. However, after just lacing their shoes I quickly realized that they must have been smoking the same thing I did the last time I went roller skating. They far exaggerated their skills.

I spent almost an hour holding Sheridan up, picking her off the floor, or attempting to calm her down when she threw several Emmy award winning fits because she didn't want me to help her. To add insult to injury, she was so out of sorts that she had a potty accident, and I didn't have extra clothes.

But this was all just the build up to the crescendo, where I sadly discovered that somebody took Sheridan's shoes. Her brand new Skecher twinkle toes that I couldn't find in the stores, so I had to special order online. The ones she's worn every day since school's started. Yeah, those shoes.

We're hoping that it was a mistake. That it was a case of mistaken identity, whereby they were taken by a young girl probably escorted by her father (who probably had no idea what his daughter's shoes looked like to even notice that they weren't the right ones), and they one day turn up. Wishful thinking, right? I'm not holding my breath.

Despite all the frustrations, the girls actually had a great time skating. It's just too bad that the extra money I spent on new shoes couldn't go towards the PTA. Next time I'll save myself the agita and just give a donation.


Mom24 said...

THAT'S a really lousy night. I can't believe someone would do that. I hope you're right, and it's a scenario I could see happening, but unfortunately, I bet you're right and they're gone forever.

J&J have never been roller skating. I think we'll keep it that way. :)

Christy said...

Oh poor Sheridan. That's like the Sex and the City where someone stole Carrie's Manolos...Hope hers turn up somehow...but on the plus side - that picture of you three girls on skates is ADORABLE! I'm sure Matt will love seeing it!!!

A Daring Adventure said...

Oh my gosh, I'm SO sorry about Sheridan's shoes. I know exactly what you mean- about having to special order the nifty kinds of shoes because they're not available in stores - and that's just so disappointing that they were stolen.

I, also, would love to hold out hope that the missing shoes are just a mix-up, but I would bet that they were stolen. I'm so sorry. But I hope they turn up!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Your girls are simply adorable-- I love that pic!

So sorry about the shoes... arrgh!

Issa said...

I still can't believe someone took her shoes. Well I can. But It's so not cool.

Kat said...

OH NO!!!!!!! That is just plain stinky! I am so sorry about the shoes. Just rotten. I hope it was just mistaken identity. Your example of a dad not knowing is so spot on. That has actually happened to us before. ;)

I can't remember the last time I went to a rollar rink. :)

Twenty Four At Heart said...

I hope you're right. You are so much nicer than I am. I'd just be ... pissed.

Kelly said...

If your PTA is anything like ours, they will make sure they hype up the roller rink fundraisers and work the kids into a frenzy so if you don't take them, it will be fits galore!!!

Emily said...

I have not been skating in forever. It reminds me of waiting for a boy to ask me to skate on a slow song, but never getting asked. (I was always a little boy crazy in Elementary school... well maybe longer than that).

You and your girls look so cute in the pictures. You are all blessed with amazing photogenic skills.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been roller skating in years. Licorice whips, that's what I remember from roller skating at school fundraisers. And the hokey pokey!

That's stinks that someone would take her shoes. Really, can we go nowhere without theft these days?

Connie said...

What an awful experience! What kind of rink doesn't hold your shoes (you know, you get them when you turn the skates back in!)?? I hope they turn up too. :( Roller skating should be a fun time. I skated the wheels off many pairs of skates on the streets as a kid, in the local rink (it had AC and was cheap!), and later, as a teen with a bar-hopping skater club in Tampa... thinking about how toned my legs were back them makes me want to go buy some skates :D (but I know I'd probably kill myself nowadays!)

Kate Coveny Hood said...

I used to love roller skating in the '80s. But I wasn't very good at stopping...which was a bit of a problem in my hilly neighborhood.

That stinks about the stolen shoes. But the pictures are cute!

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