
What A Difference A Day Makes

On Wednesday she was 5.

Today she's 6.

And her favorite thing about turning 6? She needs to use two hands to show how old she is. Riley was so excited about her birthday that she woke up at the butt crack of dawn and intended to spend every waking minute enjoying her special day. And that she sure did!

The American School held it's annual Sports Day today, so she felt like the belle of the ball doing something "different" on her birthday. After lunch the kindergarten - second graders spent the entire afternoon playing sports and competing against the other classes. They held ten different events including... potato sack races, dribbling the basketball, a mini obstacle course, balloon breaking, parachute bouncing, relay races, and my favorite, tug of war. Each class had different colored t-shirts with the name of their mascot on the back... (her class chose "Little Simbas").

Sheridan and I had a picnic lunch at the school and watched Riley compete in the afternoon's events... well at least some of them. The weather is getting rather hot, and with my added weight, I was not as willing to stand in the boiling sun for 3 hours. But I did take photos and cheer her on when the events were near the shaded area...

We then came home, waited for daddy, and opened up the many gifts that we bought her and her grandparents had sent. Her favorites? The backpack from Bubbie & Zadie, and the gift certificate from Grandma and Poppa that lets her buy whatever she wants. Our gifts? The new bathing suits and animal cover ups that we bought for both of them to bring to Thailand next week. Ummm, they were good, but they apparently didn't compare.

Dinner out was a great idea in theory, but a horrible idea in execution. We got to the restaurant too late, the girls were tired and cranky from the long day in the sun, and they didn't sing Happy Birthday when they brought out her two scoops of ice cream. Bugger!

Her school party is tomorrow. The party bags are all stuffed with useless Oriental Trader kitchy crap, and ready to pass out to all the kindergartners. And the cake? Oh it's done... and it's awesome. I took photos, but I'm going to wait to send those out.

Come share in our birthday party tomorrow. We'll all be on a sugar high!


3 Peas in a Pod said...

What an awesome day! Those days were the best growing up. Great pictures. Looks like everyone had a ball.

My kids just turned 6, 4 and 2 and I want the time to just stop because they're growing up so fast.

Robin said...

What a cutie in her team shirt! I miss Field Day. Why can't grownups get the occasional day off for Field Day? And Color War. Can't forget about Color Warn...

My oldest turns eight tomorrow. EIGHT. I have absolutely no idea where the time has gone...

Kat said...

Wow! Sounds like a fabulous day! Happy Birthday to your big six year old! :)

Tenakim said...

how funny- happy birthday to the big two handed 6 yr old!

Jen said...

Oh I can't wait to see it and I bet she can't wait either.

Alison said...

Happy birthday to the new six-year-old!

Kelly said...

6 is such a fun age!! Happy Birthday, Riley!
Can't wait to see the pics of the party and the cake!!

Kirsten said...

Oh I can't wait to see the cake!!

They call it Field Day at my girl's school and it's one of their favorites. They have so much fun. I can't even imagine doing it in Indian heat while pregnant though. :-)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome day! Happy Birthday Riley!

cat said...

Happy birthday to you precious princess and good luck with the pregnancy. My daughter was born in mid summer in South Africa - it was hot! Hot! Hot! I can relate with he heat and sun. Saw you over at Jen's and will pop in again.

Simple Answer said...

Oh Happy Day!

Too hot? bummer. Are you getting ready to go home soon?

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

Looks like fun!! My daughter loves when they have field day at school! I bet it is not fun in the heat of India!

Mom24 said...

You have my sympathy. I remember how hard the heat was when I was pregnant with Jacob.

It looks like she had a wonderful day.

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