
Saraswathi Puja

Today Sheridan's school dressed up in honor of Saraswathi Puja, the worship of the Hindu goddess of learning. The holiday is observed during Navratri (a nine-day long festival celebrating the power of femininity), in which the last three days are dedicated to the goddess. Goddess Saraswathi is the goddess of knowledge, art, and music, and wisdom. She represents the creative and inspirational aspect of Shakti. During the three days of Puja, the idol is dressed in white or yellow color, and fresh fruit and flowers are offered to her.

Here are a few photos of her and some friends from school...

The photo on the right is of the Golu... the doll exhibition.
The dolls are displayed in the temples and in each Hindu's home during the Navratri.

On the left are girls in her class.
On the right is Sheridan in front of the entire doll exhibition.

Sheridan and our neighbor ... and with our driver.


trash said...

Loving the dolls :-)

Unknown said...

Such beautiful color! And who wouldn't want to have a 9 day celebration of femininity?! I think I'm going to some research on converting to Hinduism...


Robin said...

I'm with C - a 9-day celebration of wisdom, learning and femininity sounds just right to me.

How lucky your girls are to have the chance to learn first-hand about so many other cultures.

Laurel said...

Shana Tova to you! It is the middle of a festival here too. But Saraswati only gets one day! Durga most of the rest - lots of sacrifices. REally nice.

You look like you've settled in well! Well done.

Heidi said...

You are just submerged in strong traditions and I love the way you embrace them. Your girls are going to grow up with such a beautiful view of the world.

Mom24 said...

So beautiful. What fun for your girls to have so many enriching experiences. Hope things are going well for you too.

Marla said...

how exciting for your daughter to get to experience all these great things... just FANTASTIC!

Laural Out Loud said...

It's been so fun to read about India from your perspective. And to see how you embrace letting the girls experience the culture and traditions. What an exciting life they are living.

OHmommy said...

a nine-day long festival celebrating the power of femininity...

Wow. What a very cool festival to partake in. I might just make up one on our own. 9 days of empowerment. Cool!

Great pics.

Suzanne said...

So cute. Your kids are so lucky to be raised in multi-cultural environments. And you look like your in good hands with that driver!!

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. I love reading about posts from places I don't know a lot about. I have to say, I absolutely love the traditional dress of India. It's so pretty and graceful looking.

Kat said...

She is just so beautiful!!!

Tara R. said...

I love the photos. They are all so beautiful.

Jen said...

what a beautiful holiday! I love all the dolls and dresses.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

The Hindu religion is so fascinating. Is it Lakshmi that is the many armed goddess? Or maybe it's Kali? Or both. Anyway...I always think that we as moms have to juggle so much - that I just love that representation.

Alison said...

That is one adorable girl you've got there. A holiday that celebrates femininity absolutely must involve dressing up and lots of dolls and flowers!

Mrs4444 said...

Their outfits are adorable :) (Looks dry thee....)

Simple Answer said...

Is it just me, or would it be really fun to have dress-up day in a sari? I think they are so beautiful!

Kash said...

I love Sheridan's outfit! The colors are beautiful. Looks like she is loving it too.

Tenakim said...

That is sweet!

Anonymous said...

I love this festival celebrating the power of femininity!!

Your girls are so full of culture. Your girls will be our ambassadors someday!

Unknown said...

OMG... I LOVE IT! She looks so stinken cute....

Unknown said...

Did you have this outfit already or were you freaking out the night before looking for the nearest Indian store to buy it? (LIke I would have been...)

Kim said...

I have not stopped by your blog in about two weeks because life has been crazy.. but I have to say..your blog.. your life.. it is so interesting and refreshing to read.. I love that you are sharing this adventure with us!!

Joggingincircles.. :)

Michelle said...

how neat that your girls get to experience such a different culture! She's adorable in her outfit.

Michelle said...

Her outfit is so adorable!

And the little dolls are cute.

Seriously, how do you keep up with all these holidays!? I have enough trouble with just the American ones!

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