
I Loved You Long Before You Were Born ...

... before you were even the twinkle in my eye.

... before you were fluttering around in my large, LARGE belly.

... before they were sending me home early on a plane from India because you were way too high risk of a pregnancy.

And now that you're to, you're too, you're TWO ... I just can't believe how we managed as long as we did without you.

Happy Birthday Grady Shaw! You're certainly not a baby anymore ...


Z. Marie said...

LOVE the photo of the three of them asleep! (And I know we've discussed it before, but how in the world did our babies get to be 2?????)

Kat said...

Awwww. Happy Birthday to your sweet two year old! :)

Mom24 said...

Oh my gosh, he could not be any more adorable! Glad he had such a good day and glad Daddy was there to share it.

Kirsten said...

Awwwww. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy. He is one good looking little man.

My son turns SIX tomorrow. I can't stand it.

Sejal said...

what a gorgeous little man! He looks so very grown up sitting there with his cake!

Just US said...

LOVE the pictures! Happy Birthday Grady!

anymommy said...

I can not believe our sweet babies were born two years ago. Love to you, love to him. Happy birthday, G.

Alex said...

Awww.... happy birthday!

Denise said...

Happy bday G and so happy Matt's home for a bit. GREAT family photo, as always! And enjoying watching the new house too. Exciting times!!

Issa said...

Happy birthday to Grady. I hope he had a great day.

Laural Out Loud said...

Happy Birthday to your little guy! That last picture is a keeper, lol. We love Legoland (it's only a few miles from my house!), and will probably go there for my son's second birthday, too.

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

Happy Birthday to him! I love his chubby cheeks! It takes awhile to lose those. :)

I'm glad your husband is home for a little bit to enjoy the birthday too.


Anonymous said...

Two already? no! That just can't be! He was just born!

Happy Birthday!

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