
You Had Me At Hello ...

This is my kitchen. My favorite room of the house. Probably THE reason why I knew the house was right for us soon after I walked in.

However, four short weeks ago, this wasn't even the house I thought we were going to buy. In fact, I didn't even visit this house when we went on our first house hunting trip back in November. I actually had my mind set on buying a different house, in a different city all together.

Apparently though, having too much time to contemplate really played games with my psyche ... and ultimately helped me change my decision.

As you may remember, when Matt and I went on our first house hunting trip, we really really liked a particular lot in a nature preserve that had yet to come available. In fact, we liked it so much that after leaving Virginia I began working with lenders, got our pre-approval to purchase the lot, and even kept in touch with the builder's rep to ensure that once the lot came available, we'd be first in line to purchase it.

I was ready to pull the plug, to sign on the dotted line ... until I started over thinking. And stressing. And realizing that as much as I liked Top Ramen, I really didn't want to eat it every day for the next year, as it very well could have been the only thing we could afford if we decided to buy the other house. I woke up one night in a cold sweat, and at 2 am placed a frantic call to Matt telling him that we just couldn't buy the house. We needed a new game plan.

Back to square one we went, researching online, calling builders, setting up appointments. I took the red eye out to Virginia this past Thursday and knew that I had very limited time to make a decision. I was bound and determined to leave there by Saturday afternoon with a house! A girlfriend went with me the first day to see the houses, and to view things from another perspective. My realtor spent the entire time with me to help me narrow down my choices and work with me when I finally made my decision.

Two very LONG days dedicated to looking, analyzing, running numbers, taking pictures, researching, trying to reach Matt, stressing, driving around, running more numbers, praying that Matt would like it, looking, analyzing some more, getting frustrated that I couldn't reach Matt, and finally, throwing caution to the wind, and ultimately purchasing the house ....

THEN, the last day was overwhelming as I had to pick out all of the upgrades, colors, carpets, hardwood, tiles, appliances, light fixtures, outlets, cabinets, and more ...

All the while ... hoping that Matt would be happy. I mean, he should be. I got him the only thing he really cared about... A lot with trees. And me? I have my open floor plan.

Now if they'd just start building it already...


Crystal said...

Beautiful, I love it!!! The kitchen is my favorite room in the house also : ) I hope it all goes very well and quickly!!! So excited for you all~~~

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Does it come with those wicked checkered chairs in the background?


Connie said...

The kitchen is the heart of the house, and you chose a beautiful one! Congrats on your new home!! Very, very exciting :) !

Laural Out Loud said...

I think I'd trade my husband for a kitchen like that! Of course, it'd be best to have them both, but if I had to choose... Anyway, can't wait to see how YOUR kitchen turns out!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

And to think I was telling you to come look at houses in my neighborhood. When you see my little galley - you will LAUGH.

I can't even imagine that dream kitchen. LOVE IT!

Robin said...

Oooh, gorgeous kitchen! You know that's my favorite room in the house too, heck, I named my blog after mine LOL.

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

Mom24 said...

Okay, it's been used, but gorgeous really is the only word I can think of here. That and Wow! So exciting. I can't wait to follow along as everything progresses. I'm really happy for you. Think of all the memories you will build there. Mazel tov!

OHmommy said...

So. Exciting.

Emily said...

Pretty. I absolutely love it.
You guys will be able to have some amazing dinner parties!

Ms. Sarah said...

absolutly beautiful!

Sara said...

Gorgeous! Love, love, love it!

Brooke S. said...

It's beautiful! Congrats! The importance of a good kitchen can not be overstated.

Sunny said...

Love it! What city did you decide on? Admit I am a bit jealous right now but its a good jealous.

Christy said...

All I can say is HURRAH!!!! I can't wait to sit at that island with you sipping some prosecco and celebrating that you're all in one fabulous house together again! YIPPEE!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

I think I may have just peed myself. That kitchen is PERFECT!

San Diego Momma said...

Oh Jill!
I love it.
YOUR home.
It will be.

It's perfect.

Loukia said...

Oh my gosh that kitchen! If I had a kitchen like that I would TOTALLY start kitchen! Fun, fun! LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

Time for the Weekly State Department Round Up and you're on it. Please let me know if you would like to be removed, broken links etc.

Anonymous said...

That kitchen is so me. I love everything about it! The one single thing I look for in a house is the kitchen. If it isn't up to scratch I pass. I spend 75% of my time in there, so it's got to be a really great kitchen!

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