
It May Not Look Like It Now ...

... But I swear it IS worth it...

I went for my third, and probably final, Rosacea laser treatment today. Laser treatment that really is reducing the redness on my nose ...

However, today's appointment left me looking like I was beaten with the ugly stick... WAY too many times.

37 laser pulses of medium-high intensity covered every spot on my nose.

And now I'm swollen. I'm bruised. I'm in a wee bit more pain than I was last time.

But I have vision. I know that once my nose heals, the redness will be significantly reduced. I will have achieved the relatively desired results.

For now, I just have to get past looking like a relative of Rocky Balboa ...

Left: Just before the procedure
Right: About 30 seconds after I took off my eye goggles

Left: Twenty minutes after the treatment
Right: About 11 hours later


Donna said...

Ouch! That looks like it hurts. How long til you can go outside?

Sara said...

I agree with Donna, that looks painful!

Christy said...

Oh my goodness. I hope it's all cleared up before Matt gets back! Not that he will care, but you know, just for your sake! Big hug!

Mom24 said...

Hmmm, how hard did Sheridan hit you? ;)

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Robin said...

You are a very brave woman, and a real beacon for those who come after you with this procedure I'd guess. When I had a few bumps removed from my face I could barely stand to look at myself in the mirror, let alone post photos for all the world to see.

You do need to come up with a REALLY great story though, just because it's such a great opportunity ;).

My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

TSB said...

"You do need to come up with a REALLY great story though, just because it's such a great opportunity ;)"

I'll suggest the story: you were riding your Harley down the Pacific Coast Highway and had to lay it down to avoid a collision with an 18-wheeler. You came away unharmed except for a little road rash.

Maybe that's too macho, but it would be a cool story.

LTYM said...

Oh, my gosh! I love that you posted those pictures and I can't wait to see the After beauty.


Twenty Four At Heart said...

Ouch! You're a brave woman!

anymommy said...

You are a brave, brave girl. Congratulations on 180 days behind you. I would say half full, but I don't have to live it.

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