
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle... Repeat

On Saturday morning we attended Sheridan's preschool "End Of The Term" show. The topic was about saving the environment, with the focus on reducing, reusing, and recycling. Ironically, it was the identical theme of our year-end show from our preschool in Israel.

There are around 50 kids who attend the school, and every child's parents and if possible, extended family members, showed up to watch the show. Wow, were there a lot of people! The show started at 9:20 am and lasted a little over an hour... outside... in the 90+ humidity. The power continually fluctuated and went out several times during the show. Did I mention how freaking hot it was outside?

The show was very well put together, with the teachers writing their own scripts, music, and scenes. Each class focused on one topic. The kindergarten class acted out the formation of the solar system, and they even dressed up as planets! The pre-K class (Sheridan's class) focused on reducing waste and keeping the environment clean. The toddler class talked about oxygen, water, and what is needed for people and plants to survive. Heavy stuff for kids, eh?

Sheridan was so excited for the show, she practiced her one line all week... "Together we can work to make it beautiful." She had her costume. She had her line memorized. What she also had was a HUGE case of stage fright. From the second I dropped her off, she began crying. Not her normal "I don't want you to go without kissing me good-bye first" whine. It was a, "Oh my goodness, don't you dare leave me here with all these people or I'm going to LOSE it" scream. I thought it was just silliness, so I left her with her teachers and found a seat up front. That scream never lessened, and when the show began, she came out crying. And didn't stop THE ENTIRE SHOW!

Sadly, half-way through the show, my sweet little girl had to be escorted off stage, for she was sobbing so hard that the teachers' couldn't stand to watch her cry any longer.

About two minutes after the show ended, she came over and gave me a hug, and told me that she was sorry for crying. She was just afraid to be up there... that people were going to laugh at her. Then she put on her shoes and ran around with her friends, laughing and giggling as if nothing ever happened.

But it did happen ... and here's the shaky video clip to prove it! This is Sheridan during her opening song.

And this is the video clip of her class' interpretive dance to the 3 R's. Yup, she's still crying.


OHmommy said...

Awwww... poor baby. I love the last video for the music is a perfect match to her tears.

What a doll, Jill.

Simple Answer said...

Slowest. Internet. Ever. Can't watch video but adore the cute pics!

trash said...

Poor wee chicken. At least you know she isn't all emotionally scarrred from holding her feelings in. Nothing like getting it out there!

Robin said...

Poor little sweetie, she looks so sad. What a relief to know that she recovered so quickly afterwards.

PS You must have been in an English-speaking kg here in Israel, because Every. Single. Class. in the country, from preschool on up to high school, had "Israel's 60th anniversary" as their theme last year. Ever class, every after school program. I'm surprised that Itai's soccer program didn't do a "60 years" pageant LOL. It was truly unbelievable.

Jen said...

Aw, what a sweetie. Poor little cute but she is just sweet looking in the picture. I love how the teacher has another little girl hug her. To funny.

leezee52 said...

Sooo sweet! I bet in a few years you won't be able to keep her off of the stage.

Lee :)

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

The poor thing. And her sweet teacher, trying to get her to calm down. My kids are the opposite. They would have been trying to figure out who they needed to elbow or run down so that they could be front and center. I have great pictures of my girls, back row of the chorus for recitals - and by the end of the song, there they are. Right up front!

Unknown said...

Awww bless her little heart, I totally understand she was overwhelmed with that huge audience.

90% humidity - PHEW!

Unknown said...

Awww bless her little heart, I totally understand she was overwhelmed with that huge audience.

90% humidity - PHEW!

Mom24 said...

Awww. Poor little thing. She looks like she just can't get it together. Glad she had fun afterwards.

90+ humidity. Good times!

Shannon said...

Oh, poor little girl. Cute pics and video!

I did the same thing when I was in the 2nd grade... so nervous all I could do was cry!

Kash said...

Those videos made my heart absolutely melt. I wanted to snatch her up myself. Poor thing. Atleast the teachers were present and concerned in both videos. That's promising.

Anonymous said...

Poor thing. At least she recovered quickly.

karey m. said...

painful! just painful!

but {as i always admire!} at least you have it on video...

cracks me up.

Unknown said...

That poor girl! Isn't it awful when they cry like that? You are a woman after my own heart though, to catch it all on video!

Michelle said...

Poor little thing! I have stage fright, too, so I probably would have behaved the same way (even today!).

Tenakim said...

So sweet and sad! I'm a sucker for a kid that cries during a performance!

Anonymous said...

Aww how sweet - she sounds precious!

Anonymous said...

Aww how sweet - she sounds precious!

mary s. said...

Oh NO! The poor thing!

(I cannot wait until she's 16 and you show her those videos, by the way...)

Insane Mama said...

How cute...At least she got her thoughts out!

Eve Grey said...

I just wanted to rescue her! Poor thing!

Claremont First Ward said...

Oh no! That was heartbreaking! Were you just dying watching her sob up there?

Anonymous said...

That is so heartbreaking... watching her little sobs.

Glad she recouped afterwards, though.

WheresMyAngels said...

Your cracking me up. First the pictures of the crying at the dentist office and now this.

Poor baby!!lol

I have to say that I laugh alot when my four year old Aysha cries because she is so dang cute when she cries, I wonder how long it will be til she isn't so cute.

~Janet~ said...

Poor baby! That nice little girl just decided she needed a hug during the dance :) Too cute!

Kelly said...

Oh, your breaking my heart!! I can just see the hup-hup crying!! I'm glad she recovered and was able to enjoy the end of the program...you know, the goofing off part!!

Laural Out Loud said...

Poor, sweet thing! I feel terrible for laughing, but what a cute cryer she makes. These videos will turn into classics as the years go by!

Michelle said...

aaww that just breaks a mom's heart! I'm sorry she was so upset during the performance, but at least she was able to enjoy herself afterwards :)

Mrs4444 said...

Awww. Poor thing! I'm sure she'll be fine next time...lots of newness for her lately. AT least she's got a pantry full of comfort food to help! heehee

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