
What Does $1281 from Costco and $1069 from Target Look Like?

This isn't even all of it... but we're beginning to make headway
with our consumable shipment to India.


Simple Answer said...

Is a consumable shipment "special" to India? The only two items I've been hoarding are Amy's Organics Refried Beans and rainbow sprinkles.

mary s. said...

...looks like a great day of shopping to me!!

Mom24 said...

Wow! That is amazing. I'm curious how long you need that to last? I can't even imagine! It's great that you can do it though. It will make the transition so much easier for the girls to have familiar foods around--you are working hard on this "vacation"! Take care of yourself.

C.C. said...

As I'm typing this comment, I'm sitting next to our $1300 plus change worth of Costco. Our stack looks a lot like your stack! Tomorrow we're going to see how much we can spend at Walmart and Giant. I hope you're almost done. Mom24 is right...you are working hard this vacation!

Anonymous said...

WOW! We weren't allowed to bring food in our container (we snuck some in anyway though) when we moved to Germany. Though that's not quite the same place as India...
We always bring back whatever we can fit in a spare suitcase when we visit though. Mac n' Cheese tops our list too!

Unknown said...

I wish we would have packed better when we moved... I moved a bunch of crap. What I really missing right now... SECRET Deodorant.. Sad or? Way to be prepared... you go girl!

Anonymous said...

Go big or stay home :)

karey m. said...

ugh. this does not look like fun. at all. poor you...

Cynthia said...

Holy moly...that's a lot of shopping!

San Diego Momma said...

Wow! Can I have your address, please? I'd like to come over with my family after the zombies invade Earth. We could all live in hiding together for years! (Dibs on the Mac n' Cheese).


Simple Answer said...

I had to post one more time. We are in full swing towards this move and I think I've said to my husband no less than 3 times today, "If Jill can do this, I can do this." I appreciate every comment you make on my blog and all the insight you've offered. You make this craziness look easy.

Tara R. said...

I have teens, that's a weekend worth of food. Wow...

Eve Grey said...

Oh my goodness, amazing! I would never even have thought that you'd need to bring food...
I think the shopping would be so fun though! The packing? Not so much. (:

fiwa said...

Hello - visiting from C.C.'s blog. I was wondering too - how long does that have to last you? It looks like a lot, but I bet it runs out quickly.

Diane Mandy said...

Ha! We did the same thing when we moved to Germany. I am just now running out of my favorite toilet paper. (Sigh)

Anonymous said...

Wow! I really need to get in the groove of "living over seas". I didn't know you shipped stuff over.I assumed you lived on whatever was available there. I apologize for being an idiot. I am soooooo not savvy when it comes to those Americans living elsewhere. I need to learn more about this! I am so naive. Thanks for the eyeopener!

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